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Tagged > Emotion
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34205 Views
Psychology Forum
Acknowledging that women are more aggressive than men from a visual point of view in society is not biased in the least - women themselves will tell you this. I don't even know what you mean...
THREAD Having An Affair
2 Posts • 2513 Views
Philosophy Forum
firstly - you're not a dumb kid... adult behavior gets an adult response... not an excuse... my thoughts... keep doing it... it'll end no matter what - A woman in America tends...
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12723 Views
Religion Forum
A DIRECT RESPONSE TO "OLD CORPS" - WITH ALL DUE RESPECT TO YOUR SEARCH FOR TRUTH. I believe there are some thing that can not be proven. To be a "thing" it must exist, th...
THREAD PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10776 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Moments of Weakness. Pain. My life at this time can be summed up in one simple word. How can such a small sound explain the oceanic torment I drown in? We all feel this emotion. We all think our...
THREAD ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 7869 Views
Religion Forum
From what i know, and i dont pretend to be an expert, most religions preach peace. If this is so then why have so many people died because of their faith. Because humans are stupid, ignorant, judge...
THREAD Tear me apart
8 Posts • 2851 Views
Psychology Forum
Sorry, I got a little off topic in the above post - I'll try to stay as focused as possible from now on. which would you say you may fear more, deep down, becoming your dad, or not being able...
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 6888 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Hi guys - thought I'd give you another chapter:) CHAPTER SIX - Shadows in the darkness Qaphsiel held my hand so tightly and pulled me along around the perimeter of the house so strongly that...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56942 Views
Religion Forum
OKCITYKID - "So the new testament is not the word of God but the old testament is, is that what you are saying? I can almost agree with you. Certainly a letter that Paul writes to Timothy could n...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 26818 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
But this only seems to be a problem within their mind. Where do you keep getting the notion that homosexuality is in any way harmful or negative? It is completely unfounded and displays irrational...
THREAD PerceptionInferiority
7 Posts • 3346 Views
Psychology Forum
You defined your discussion of "superiority" as one relating to survival, almost absolutely, in your original post, utilizing the words survival, strength, superior, and later subtly talking...
THREAD Awakendwraith's Apology
5 Posts • 2328 Views
Talk Talk
I was involved in a court case a few months back. This is the letter of apology I sent to my girlfriends parents. What do you think about it? Dear Carothers Family, I'd like to start this...
THREAD The Tangent Universe
14 Posts • 4575 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Dark. Darker. Darko. Life is one long insane trip. Some people just have better directions. What would you do if you knew the future? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Donnie: First of all, Papa...
THREAD God in ReligionDivided in belief, but united in Love
5 Posts • 3490 Views
Religion Forum
What if those of you who believe or believed in God, at a very young age, that our God was a God of only Love? Would the world be in the shape its in? If you were taught of such a God (of "only&q...
THREAD Can I Think of Me?
1 Posts • 2225 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can I Think of Me? In his book 'The Birth of Meaning' Ernest Becker informs me that Kant informed the world two centuries ago that an infant 'becomes conscious of himself first as 'me', and then on...
17 Posts • 7450 Views
Talk Talk
Porn = Proof of Repressed Nature, How many different faces do you see when you search porn? millions upon millions, all want money, or fame, or both or neither. Female sexual freedom amplified....
THREAD GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9454 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well unless you are keeping tabs on the nefarious activities of the CIA then all your learnings will simply be for not. Its a sad fact but deception has been the name of the game since the end of WWII...
THREAD DepressionDepression
6 Posts • 3392 Views
Psychology Forum
When I get upset about something, no matter what it is, I get upset about everything. It's like every negative thought is a snowball rolling down a mountain. If I'm upset about losing a Star...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 29556 Views
Religion Forum
"Church simply means gathering. When Gods people gathered together they are in church - they are amongst the Spirit in a special way." ^^Amongst the spirit in a special way??...hahahaha.....
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Worry About God?
12 Posts • 5635 Views
Religion Forum
I am Ignostic. Ignosism...similar to the word 'agnostic' just with a different prefix; Ig. As in ignorant. Agnosism is the fact that you believe there is something 'higher' out the...
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyAesthetics
1 Posts • 2492 Views
Philosophy Forum
I don't know about other people, but I'm a person who is very much emotionally influenced by the aesthetic appearance of their surroundings. For instance, travelling from the countryside to...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 62978 Views
Religion Forum
"For your own research for answers, let's look at the bang theory. Here you have a huge bang, without a catalyst, because even a catalyst has to have an origin, so let's assume, logica...
THREAD Life & DeathSocial existance, life and friends.
24 Posts • 5517 Views
Philosophy Forum
Laying it on the line, i have ASD and have been described as what is commonly known as a high-functioning autistic. However, i have also been said to have the following; borderline personality complex...
THREAD SocietyA New Discovery
27 Posts • 9928 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Knowing in advance that you will never be blamed for what you are about to do (ex. killing for inheritance) prevents your desire to do it." It might lower the satisfaction in some cases, b...
THREAD Creative MusingsFar from above, just separate like any reservations held in fear
10 Posts • 3379 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
From A Pale Of Lights Below I shy away from that upturned glare, afraid to be seen as coming down from above with all sorts of tablets and law...but I miss that glow I used to know, the shining...
THREAD Mental IllnessAusberb's Syndrome
6 Posts • 3827 Views
Psychology Forum
I can relate to a lot of this. The love of bright colours (especially green to purples) and techno, (also classical). The ability to recall obscure facts. (One of my friends was surpassed today that I...
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