I have recently discovered that the story of Horus, an Egyptian God is the same as the story of Jesu... |
6 Posts 7114 Views |
i got some question of my own that have been troubled me from times to times. i hope that you all do... |
24 Posts 7486 Views |
I've had a thought juggling in my head for a few minutes and I was wondering...
Did God comp... |
19 Posts 5592 Views |
Since many religions are so fond of bragging that their god is "the one true god" and ever... |
52 Posts 12846 Views |
I am sure this has happened to many as it did to me.
What if one day you woke up and discovered... |
48 Posts 13247 Views |
Welll, i was listening to a lecture, and he was discussing God and how most people are brought up be... |
4 Posts 2580 Views |
ok,so here is something i found that i felt i had to share with yall
A science professor begins... |
5 Posts 3394 Views |
I would have to say that the Christian god really does suck. I have noticed that "god" has... |
23 Posts 8817 Views |
Me and my One was talking the other day...and he said that i should fear God because what he gives t... |
53 Posts 11373 Views |
How can one prove god is real in a way so that everyone can see it? Not just something that is calle... |
16 Posts 5192 Views |
When you are having the worst time of your life, nothing is going in your favor, and all you can do... |
55 Posts 12081 Views |
I recently debated with a religous friend of mine, who studies the Bible in college. Something she s... |
13 Posts 3350 Views |
More specifically, can there be an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-GOOD god, based on the amount of e... |
222 Posts 57413 Views |
An example:
The phrase 'oh Lord how you toment me'
Could be simplified to:
'... |
11 Posts 3568 Views |
I believe in God very much so but I can't say I understand, I can only hope in what Jesus taugh... |
18 Posts 4459 Views |
Hindus say that Brahman is the creator, Muslims say
That Allah is creator, Christians say that the... |
12 Posts 4775 Views |
isnt it strange how god exists in a deminsion where there is no time... too hard for us in the human... |
3 Posts 2958 Views |
If God exists, and God is omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect, then why did God create the w... |
202 Posts 41558 Views |
What and or who is God and why sould I listen to Him. I'd like to know. And why is he so great... |
88 Posts 20357 Views |
God has no beginning and no end because God is unimaginable. The beginning and the end must be also... |
3 Posts 3837 Views |
O.k let's have a little conversation here...ha ha ha...:) Aight God is the creator of life, God... |
46 Posts 13135 Views |
what if theres someone who odesnt currently belive in god or at least the one by the main realgion (... |
12 Posts 4407 Views |
God and good vs bad. Does he decide? How? |
284 Posts 49627 Views |
I consider myself agnostic.
Now, I've just been wondering why god, in the traditional sense... |
32 Posts 8620 Views |
If god is almeighty then he must have the power to do anything he would ever want. And also it would... |
101 Posts 19411 Views |