Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect. - Steven Wright
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Tagged > Death
 39yrs • F
The solution to life is death
THREAD PerceptionDeath
12 Posts • 4612 Views
Psychology Forum
May I ask what answers and solace you are either searching or waiting for? And why wait when life gives you the opportunity to find the answers and solace (if an answer exists). Embrace death beca...
THREAD Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views
Psychology Forum
...Never love anyone enough that you cannot bare to see them die. Strange, I see death as a release from the woes of this world. I was deeply effected by my father's death but I came to see that...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 90371 Views
Philosophy Forum
You may be temporal and nothing may have existed for you before you existed BUT that does not mean that nothingness lead to your life. And since something lead to your life - something must lead to al...
 32yrs • M
I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. - Mark Twain
THREAD What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6448 Views
Philosophy Forum
Philosophically speaking you are damn right, Bantam. Yet, something very definite occurs upon death - and thereafter. Death is visible to all, and as such is a very visceral occurrence. We are all qui...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsScared of death
6 Posts • 2954 Views
Psychology Forum
Death is inevitable. And it's not that hard to do. You die every night when you go to sleep. So just think of it that way; death is just a long, long sleep that you will never awake from. Now,...
 39yrs • F
the greatest tragedy in life is noy death but life without purpose
 38yrs • M
life is not a life without death
 48yrs • M
All religion is only there to control free minds and suggest false answers to the unknowable. Release your mind, accept death and enjoy working with each other towards the creation of a true and attainable paradise on earth.
9 Posts • 4040 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe in death, it's the only sure thing but i don't believe what it stands for: the end. If everything in life is in becoming then death is just the exit from the labyrinth into somethi...
THREAD PerceptionDeath
12 Posts • 4612 Views
Psychology Forum
I think you are reading too far into this Decius. I do not look forward to death because I see it as an escape. I realize that I mentioned above 'If life is futile, death is relief,' but by that I...
THREAD Life & Deathwhy is death so scary for ppl
48 Posts • 23235 Views
Philosophy Forum
(Note I stopped reading the thread after the first page, sorry if I'm repeating what has been said) I don't believe anyone is truly afraid of death in itself. More the manner in which the...
THREAD About You / Introductionsnear death experiences.
6 Posts • 2494 Views
Talk Talk
Anyone here ever have a near death experience? did it affect you permanatly? were u able to get over it? i'm having a little trouble myself. how did u almost die? i know it's kind of a dark...
THREAD Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views
Psychology Forum
so u think death is just the birth to a meta physical life in stead of death
THREAD Life & DeathDealing with death
9 Posts • 3325 Views
Philosophy Forum
How do you deal with a dead person's absence? They are not there anymore. You won't see them again. Your memories of that person might wither with time. My grandfather died a few days ag...
THREAD Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 19922 Views
Philosophy Forum
Truthfully I think I'm a little crazy because I have been in drug related comas and have been so close toi death and yet I don't fear it, Death is only another stage in life.*grin*
THREAD Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 19922 Views
Philosophy Forum
"The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself." Publilius Syrus said that. Personally I don't necessarily trust the opinion of a 2100 year old mime. Still, its interesting...
THREAD Society & Sociologyare we destined to fail
9 Posts • 3348 Views
Psychology Forum
Death to all chav kind! Then we are guarnteed to live fulfilled lives after bringing destruction and death to thier asbo ways!:p
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20163 Views
Psychology Forum
and indifference is death. death meted out with every breath taken. relentlessly. mercilessly. forced to stay conscious. yet shutting out all stimuli to the soul.
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 90371 Views
Philosophy Forum
a friend of mine suggested that once we die we are born in another life, seperate of this world, every death her equals birth there, and so on into other universes. another friend believes in reinc...
THREAD What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 12935 Views
Talk Talk
Forgive me if I'm repeating my self but I don't have time to re read the whole thread. I recall the story of one church man who'd been interned in a nazi death camp. One day they senten...
 39yrs • M
"I need more money, more power, and less shit from stupid world
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 57877 Views
Philosophy Forum
Granted yes but as I said, people believe different things, just as I do. I may not find morality in death but I would stand against such a power just as many others would, along with those who suppor...
THREAD ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 41628 Views
Religion Forum
Because God had decreed that the punishment of sin was death. He never wanted man to sin or to have to give His Son to save us. But man had a mind of his own. Man was mad impure by sin and only throug...
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