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Tagged > Death
 34yrs • M
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Joseph Stalin
 37yrs • M
DEATH awaits YOU.
 37yrs • M
Cowards die many times before their death,...but the valiant taste death only but once...
 40yrs • M
I Have Become Death, Destroyer Of Worlds!
 36yrs • M
in life, there is chaos. in death, nothing. fix the chaos, and in death you will find peace.
 35yrs • F
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
 29yrs • F
death will happen at the least expected time,enjoy life to the fullest.maybeyou can make a change
 34yrs • M
Death is funny....
 37yrs • M
Death is here cause im dead inside
THREAD Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 19928 Views
Philosophy Forum
I agree with Angel Of Death. I look forward to death. The only thing that scares me about death is hurting the ones I love. If it weren't for them, I would have brought death upon myself by now....
 32yrs • M
The value of all things is simply...nothing... Is then an EARLY and VOLUNTARY DEATH not always, absolutely justified?
THREAD ChristianityThe Second Death
4 Posts • 3822 Views
Religion Forum
Death, as we know it, would indeed be the end of our existence were it not for the fact of the resurrection. It is the resurrection that turns death into a temporary sleep. The second death differs fr...
93 Posts • 29818 Views
Philosophy Forum
Nobody has any experience with being dead, yet almost everyone seems to know what will happen. Why? Because underneath the threshold of our consciousness lies a fear of death so overwhelming we are u...
21 Posts • 6497 Views
Talk Talk
How do you know there will be pain? All these notions, that we have about death, can't be proven. Before you can understand death, you must understand that you have preconceptions about it. When...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 29268 Views
Religion Forum
Thats because you are, I think, equating death to hell. The Bible clearly speaks of different types of death. I think the Book of Revelation talks about the second death, for example. There is physica...
9 Posts • 4040 Views
Philosophy Forum
Me and a few of my work mates were talking about wether they believe in an after life or not and then one of them asked me 'do you believe in death'. When he asked me that question it hit me...
THREAD STAR WARS New Series or Classic
10 Posts • 4441 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
My favorite and most memorable moments from all the films were... Geez, I guess most of the sad stuff now that I think about it, yoda's death (even him losing to palpatine :( ), Obi wans death...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 90378 Views
Philosophy Forum
Death has been over materialized. Death has always been like this. We are all matryers, we are all holy men/women, we are all amazing, death is just to prove to others that you are non materialistic a...
THREAD DoO we really want to know...?
17 Posts • 6077 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe that there isnot life after death, nothing. No sonsiousness, no blackness, no lonelyness.. nothing. Since our brains are like a very complex computer, when it is switched off then we go off....
THREAD red death
2 Posts • 3353 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
cries of red death hollering down the varnished hallways of life screams and teardrops only to follow death we are the red death we make it our own we hold it close to us we cradle it in our arms we w...
THREAD Life & DeathDeath
4 Posts • 4151 Views
Philosophy Forum
How can we ever believe that death is painfull if no one has lived the experience and was able to tell about true death?
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 39878 Views
Religion Forum
Decius, I feel you overlooked an important point 'It is GOD who decides who is to die, not man? An Omipotent, all powerful God has no need for me to do His Work, right. But all things must pas...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 29268 Views
Religion Forum
Oh dont get me wrong - I do believe in original "Interestin g. So, to your kind of God, killing babies isn't evil. That does make the system work after a fasion." Of cou...
 44yrs • M
 39yrs • F
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