Newest General Discussion Posts - Page 8 |
do you consider your self a Criminal? |
17 Posts 5085 Views |
Can someone who is better educated on Mr. Obama and what he intends to do explain to me why he is th... |
9 Posts 2688 Views |
My thoughts and/or feelings.
Category: how much I care
Caring was made to put you off focus,... |
2 Posts 2418 Views |
anyone ever heard of it?
this is my fave book series EVER!
its about a boy who b... |
10 Posts 6279 Views |
Lat night i was completely off my face on drugs, and i had the most strange experience, it was only... |
7 Posts 3160 Views |
Simple! March them out of the front gate of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station into Cuba. Let the Cuba... |
1 Posts 2046 Views |
this is just some points about piracy and somalia that i think need to be brought up that arent gett... |
1 Posts 2241 Views |
9 Posts 3167 Views |
Hello and how are you all!! I have been surfing or have surfed many topics on how things have been g... |
1 Posts 1999 Views |
Recently ive been very stressed out, mentally dealing with cancer and having the fact that im not im... |
3 Posts 2368 Views |
So lately I've seen a few names being thrown around as insults, namely: human breeders, pollyannas,... |
2 Posts 2337 Views |
ter·ror·ism (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or a... |
2 Posts 2337 Views |
Political controversy... what do you think? |
6 Posts 2319 Views |
I have come to the conclusion that greed is a disease that we should look to cure. Or at least ident... |
4 Posts 2505 Views |
Take That - Rule the World
So awesome. Listen to it. I love hard rock and shit but this is just e... |
2 Posts 2384 Views |
Yes it's finally here. After five years of waiting the new Green Day album has arrived and will... |
1 Posts 2252 Views |
The idea is to write down any observations you have either on the day of writing or the previous day... |
48 Posts 10943 Views |
Anyone wana list their's? Please only cd's you own, not downloaded illigally. Im intrested... |
13 Posts 4009 Views |
this guy is hilarious, not to mention crazy take a look.
http://www.alexchiu.c om/ |
1 Posts 2026 Views |
Anyone here ever have a near death experience? did it affect you permanatly? were u able to get over... |
6 Posts 2564 Views |
Karma does it exist or is it a figment of the human imagination? |
39 Posts 9026 Views |
what are your strengths and weaknesses?
If i were to start
I am able to fig... |
9 Posts 3071 Views |
Hello everyone,
my first post here after lots of reading. Seems like posters here are generally int... |
7 Posts 2629 Views |
why the hell do people like this it sux beyond belief yes tom i know u r gay secretly shall i tell v... |
3 Posts 2173 Views |
hi all my sisters bdays coming up and she loves neopets so i anyone seling neopoits cheers!;) |
9 Posts 5745 Views |