Ever read the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Post your reviews here. What did you t... |
4 Posts 3307 Views |
I have so many thoughts and never write them down, so I'm gonna start with this basic one. I do... |
34 Posts 11574 Views |
Ladys and gentle men boys and girls i will try to establish the base of our knowledge and beleifs.(... |
1 Posts 2856 Views |
rousseau and his critiques of modernity any one know what it is? *lol* |
2 Posts 2775 Views |
what would hume think about clear and distinct ideas? |
1 Posts 2698 Views |
People that do "bad" things have reasons for doing them. Its usually because they are mad... |
14 Posts 5988 Views |
By perfection we intend... what do we intend? Oh.. yah, we intend... the absolute of a cause, like p... |
13 Posts 9783 Views |
Hey ppl. Well, this has been perplexing me for some time, since my 4 year old brother asked me who p... |
19 Posts 6465 Views |
So, how big is it? I used to lie back and let my mind go and I would travel past what the local big... |
5 Posts 3031 Views |
I don't know much about philosophers, only about their philosophy. Wouldn't a philosopher&... |
36 Posts 10203 Views |
I man once explained a theory to me which in essence is that thought becomes real but usually on a d... |
26 Posts 7599 Views |
Ok here it is, you know the saying " If a tree falls in the forrest but theres no one round to... |
99 Posts 21647 Views |
And complaints and bitching that were previously thrown all over this discussion form can be moved,... |
2 Posts 3250 Views |
Clea Benson of the Bee Capitol Bureau
(Published 2:15 am PST Sunday, November 14, 2004)writes,
&qu... |
13 Posts 3787 Views |
Do we ever stop to questions ourselves the lives we have been living ? Some of us have later found o... |
3 Posts 3075 Views |
Many believe embryos are living humans such that to conduct stem cell research on one is tantamount... |
24 Posts 7132 Views |
I hate that saying "you're only as old as you feel."
No! Fuck that! If you feel 13... |
3 Posts 3199 Views |
Title: Anti-Morality, Truth And Peace: Beyond Kant And Others - A New Theory.
(Replacing Moral Phil... |
15 Posts 6005 Views |
Has anyone ever told you before that if you didnt like something you should just leave or not go nea... |
13 Posts 3651 Views |
I'm tring to get some opinions on this subject. If you could create your own government and soc... |
26 Posts 7817 Views |
I have begun to unravel and understand the nature of Desire...
It's a delectable word Desire.. it... |
13 Posts 7103 Views |
I salute you all... i am new on this site... i had no time to read all of ur posts, but i will soon,... |
3 Posts 7078 Views |
we all think and at all times, but what is the importance of our thougts?
i never put too much tho... |
3 Posts 3298 Views |
To awake their emotional senses the plan is to immerse themselves into an environment sy... |
6 Posts 3594 Views |
I find myself getting pretty upset about life lately.
In particular about how little time we have... |
15 Posts 4273 Views |