Playing the drums is like making love, playing fast will make those who have never done it amazed, but pointless to those who have. - UnderDawg
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Tagged > Multi headed animals
THREAD Balloon Animals!
4 Posts • 2758 Views
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What do you do to take care of your stress? Yesterday I walked into the livingroom and my mom was making balloon animals. She said it help her with her stress. I started making them with my mom (I mad...
THREAD Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13120 Views
Philosophy Forum
women.... ok, think of all the other species of animals in this world that aren't a-sexual...we're obviously one of those species, we are the most technologically advanced but were not that...
THREAD God in ReligionIs god real?
16 Posts • 5141 Views
Religion Forum
If I'm not mistaken, which I hope I'm not, Animals on this earth do not kill for enjoyment or pleasure but because they have to for food/survival and should not be considered savage nature....
THREAD What did you do today?
31 Posts • 9681 Views
Talk Talk
got up around 7, went to school, went to chess club had fun, then played magic with friends, headed home, on comp til about twenty min ago due to hw time and im back on now.
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16684 Views
Philosophy Forum
Good point DUDE! So faster animals have a greater reaction time so does this apply to physical limitations- my idea being would more inteligent animals preceive different stimuli faster ?eg. would a m...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 41512 Views
Religion Forum
different - that is kinda tough. Because supposedly there are some animals that could be considered smarter than us. The elephant has a better memory. The whales and dolphins, we will never master the...
27 Posts • 10602 Views
Religion Forum
If 'God' flooded the Earth during Noah's boat ride, what did all the animals eat when He finally let them back on dry land again? Why didn't all the animals die off after Noah&...
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16684 Views
Philosophy Forum
I think the spped of time is relative. Time is going slow if your brain is acting faster than everything around it. Slow animals like snails see everythig going fast, but animals with faster metabolis...
 79yrs • M
"Animals are my friends. I don't eat my friends" George Benard Shaw
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13596 Views
Talk Talk
I value life in general. People suffer, animals suffer because that is life. I see how people treat animals because we want to snack on them or what not. The way they are raised and slaughtered si...
THREAD GovernmentGaaaahhhhh!
13 Posts • 4543 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I was listening to a radio show with a name I will not mention for certain reasons, but this is the conversation. The woman is a proclaimed liberal while the man is a proclaimed conservative. Her-I...
THREAD Zootastic!
9 Posts • 2601 Views
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I think neuterdbynature's idea of a 'human zoo' is already a reality. Metaphorically speaking; What is society/culture (the world at large?) if not a zoo? We have the endangered animals (rare...
THREAD BooksTwo Kinds of Color
4 Posts • 2976 Views
Talk Talk
i had intended that my last post would be my last. but i was so touched by this post. i am from canada and was adopted into a multi race family. my wife and i adopted a child from the states of africa...
THREAD BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11433 Views
Science & Technology Forum
For instance before the tsunami struck Sri Lanka and other near by areas the animals instinctively knew to get to higher ground. I read somewhere that animals follow the magnetic waves that surroun...
THREAD Do You Change Your Idioms?
10 Posts • 3357 Views
Psychology Forum
*this excludes changing moral values/beliefs and specific character traits, as i am pretty sure most would agree that you should always stick to these. Interestingly some would say I do this quite oft...
THREAD For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11499 Views
Psychology Forum
Humans are animals we are mammals...the problem comes in that we have free will or that what we call it...maybe it's a flaw of some kind maybe we should never have ended up with minds that can discer...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 41512 Views
Religion Forum
Nice reply dumbteen! Animals communicate with each other, alot of their communication may be at levels which we may not realize; pack animals (wolfs, lions, etc) have social structure and pecking orde...
64 Posts • 18991 Views
Philosophy Forum
Personally, I find it harder to believe that everything that is is just coincidence than God exists. There are numerous physic constants that are infinitally precise that allow life to occur. It has b...
64 Posts • 18991 Views
Philosophy Forum
Science proves the whole book by the first statement. "In the beginning..." There at one time was a point where everything was all together at one so focused point it was unseeable thr...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13596 Views
Talk Talk
personally i think that the issue is not necessarily with the killing of the animal, but with how they are treated prior to death. i don't think there is anything morally wrong with killing for f...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13596 Views
Talk Talk
the way i've best heard it put is this if we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat meat is one of the best sources of the nutrients we need to survive, there are...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
I am new to this and have found it to be great fun. I have learned alot and also have been able to express my own opinions openly. I am originally from Arizona but now live in Wyoming. I have seen...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 41689 Views
Religion Forum
dont take this personally! One of the problems in this life - find ourselves in is the fact that we are divorcing ourselves from the well-spring of human rights. "We are endowed by our Creato...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 41689 Views
Religion Forum
Dumbteen There is no reason to believe consciousness came from an intelligent being, any more then it came from the particular structure of our brains. I suspect what makes us conscious and ani...
THREAD PerceptionThe Surreal Aspects of Life
0 Posts • 946 Views
Psychology Forum
We may not be giving more attention to what's awful, but rather to what is different, like a child prodigy or a two-headed snake. We become used to what's normal and expected. This dulls the...
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