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 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Hey I just finished a twenty-part rant on several topics (Some more superficial than others) and I just want to see what everyone else has got. Bolow off some steam! Seen the guy in front of you take the last mint? Got cut off on the freeway? Girlfriend or Boyfriend break up with you for no reason? Am I sounding like an infomercial? Come on! It's Venting time again. Time has a cruel sense of humor, everyone knows that all too well, from the soccer mom wondering how she can watch five games simultaneously to the newly hired intern trying to figure out how more than three thousand reports can be filed by quitting time. Teachers gripe on about how there just 'isn't enough time to fit that last test in' while students (such as myself) wonder where the time went for hanging out with friends and family. The clock's hands are spinning faster and faster, trying to keep up with an ever-increasing demand by the world for speed, Speed, SPEED! and yet we live our lives by looking at a watch strapped to our wrists. Coffee is considered the drink of choice in the morning, beer flies off the shelf to help stressed fathers deal with the copious amount of take-home work, and the continuous demands of the little bastards we call kids, and cars are measured not by their comfort or durability, but rather by how fast they can go from standstill in the driveway to sixty on a residential road. Bosses refer to employees not like 'Joe's a good person, steadfast, always a good story ready, a good listener and a great person,' but more to the tune of 'Joe Schmoe, 28, worked for eight years in the company, production rating 78.382, defective units/100: 8, serial number 1989378-372. Comments: Focused, a good worker.' People are becoming the machines they create! We even have serial numbers, for chrissakes! And here's doctors going on about stem cell research about growing livers and pancreas- do the words SPARE PARTS mean anything to you? And don't let me get into lubrication... (Those work TOO well, my sick friend.) The whole and total reason I am writing this down is I recently got back my 'overall report' from the high school. I can't figure out what the hell all these infernal numbers mean, but I see one thing in common: none of them are higher than an 86. That's not good. It means I'm 'average' by the numbers. Why don't they also consider the things that really matter, not 'Math' or 'Science.' Why not Smoothness, Paper Airplane fabricating ability, Humor, and Best excuses for not doing your homework? (My dog ate my homework, my dad shot my dog, I went all CSI and finally convicted the man next door of six counts of manslaughter, and oh yeah, the homework was already mostly digested by Spike when I pulled it out of his stomach, so can I bring it in tomorrow?) This would keep me flying high and keep the braincases from complaining about thier ninety-eight- this-is-bullshit- I-need-a -ninety-nine test scores into my huge and hurting left ear. Schools deal with self-esteem; but grade us on how well we regurgitate the names of old dictators rotting in their coffins for years now and when they lived and what they did and how it affected the world and do I really give a damn and how their legacy lives on and NO. It just gets so sickening to me. My parents are yelling at me since it's three-oh-five and we don't want to be late for the recital. Don't get me started, something tells me- It's Venting time again... Next up?,,, 
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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that JoelB is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Oh you just wait vortex, If I didnt have to leave in about 10 minutes, Id go off. Let me take a reign check though, Ill be back. lol
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"Aint flashed a smile in a long while...."
 41yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
so my best friends wife died yesterday. i had known her really well for about four years. she had been in the hospital for a while now, but they were getting ready to send her home. it was so random. so god damn random. the world shits on everyone and it pisses me off so much. even if you have a good life, you really dont. something always sucks. and my best friend and i are like brothers. i was the best man at the wedding. i hung out with him and his wife and three kids all the damn time. its not right, "those poor kids" i keep telling myself. she wasnt even old enough to drink yet. it was way to soon. her kids needed her. i have no idea what my friend is gonna do. i feel so bad, all i can do is be there for him. but he needs a lot more help than that. a lot more than i can give. i keep playing all the events of yesterday over and over in my head, im sure it was way more traumatic for him. i cant even imagine. i dont even know what emotion i should feel. i feel all of them at once, and yet im numb. on top of that my girlfriend has a respiratory infection, she went to emergency care and had a temp of 103. god it scared me. i really hope she gets better soon. i dont have a damn clue what id do without her.
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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 36yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that WanderingNobody is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I wish I wasn't allerigic to animals because then I'd have a dog. My friend's kid just died tonight, it was sad, I was sad for her. My friend's aunt died last week, I feel sad for her too. My aunt and my grandpa died acouple months ago, not too far from each other--heart failure or something like that--runs in the family, I assume because I get those heart 'twitches' too. I couldn't go to their funerals because it's too far away and going to Philippines is too expensive. A very old friend of mine died last month. I remember I used to go over there to pick fruits off her trees. I wish I could be more open to others. I wish I wouldn't hold back as much. I wish I was happier. I wish I was more confident about myself. I wish I was still bestfriends with my used-to-be closest friend, but I wish she wasn't so fake. I used to try to make myself believe in stupid things just so I have something to believe in. I want to move away. I don't like it here. I don't feel as if I belong here. The good part of moving is that you can restart everything. New friends, new life.... Everytime something goes terribly wrong, I feel like moving. I guess I can't run away from my problems, but I dunno, moving has so much appeal to it. I spend a lot of time by myself now. I don't like how ignorant my 'friends' are. It's like even if they knew there was some sort of truth, they wouldn't want to know it because it breaks down their little perfect world of fun and security. I think I might die alone. I wish I could move away and be happy. I wish we wern't forced to learn things that wouldn't help our lives to become more fulfilling. I'd like it if we could all get a job doing what we love. I love art and teaching. I want to be a counsellor but I also want to be an art teacher. I'd eat anything (sanitary). I listen to music to 'escape'. I dance when no ones looking. I'd never be caught dead saying all this in person. Before I die, it'd be nice to know that I made a difference in someone's life, even if it's only in a small way. I wish I knew what to do about myself. I wish I didn't wish so much.
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"Crap. I lost my watch, now I'm lost in time."
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I just barely got out of my school dance and let me tell you, was it interesting. Now prior to this dance, I went to dances to hang out, check out my crush, possibly join in the group dances, and finally leave bummed out considering how my time would be better spent watching Hillary Duff or some other bad actress for the two or three hours I just wasted, but this time was not the case. I came in and I ran into a group of my best friends, people who usually blow off these dances. That was cool, until a group of –ahem- questionable people come up and steal me from the group. I'm a relatively clean kid- no drugs, sex only once with a steady girlfriend, good grades, the usual. These people were all in black, eyeliner, two were stoned, two lesbians- nothing against them- you know the type. Next thing you know, I'm grinding in a line of at least ten Goths and getting sweaty. One girl- no clue what her name was- seemed pretty attracted to me (She seemed the lesser of the extreme- I played along) and soon was grinding with me and loving it. I started jumping around groups, hanging with the drama kids, the cool kids, the geeks, etc.- but every time I would get dragged back to this group for more hardcore grinding. I managed to get away and was grooving with a group of friends when one girl comes over to me and says, 'Are you a virgin?' I respond no. She leaves. A few minutes later, she comes back. (Hey, Maverick, ____'s horny. Can you fuck her?' NEWS FLASH: :Last time I had sex with a girl (a) she was a virgin, so minimal risk of STD's, (b) She and I had been dating six months, so we knew each other well, (c) We used protection, protection which I didn't have on me at the time, and (d) I actually knew her name. What do you think my answer would be? I said 'Sorry, no.' She grabs me by the collar and drags me to the group. '____,' she says. (I use '___' since as I write this I don't remember the girl's name.) 'Maverick won't fuck you.' 'Oh, come on' she says, and jumps on top of me. I choose that moment to wriggle free and escape. I grab the phone, dial home, and call for a ride. My mom (God bless the woman) gets into her car, no questions asked, and drives over to pull me out of there. As I'm leaving, I see the girl and her partner heading into the principal's office, looking downtrodden and inexplicably guilty. I'd feel sorry for them, any other day. Now to sum this up, I'm not an isolationist, I simply do not like the prospect of screwing with a possible chemistry set. The dance was fun- I'm exhausted- but it's an experience I'll debate a bit heavier over next time.
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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Ikiris is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I wish that resturants were open 24/7. Now I know alot of cities have all night places but where I live everything closes at like 10. I am a night person and I want food to! It's 2:30 right now and I am hungry and there is nothing here, but I can't go get something cause everything is closed! Now I have to wait till I wake up to eat.  I usually wake up like 2 or 3 and wait till dinner time to eat, but then later when I get hungry there is never anything to eat. When I find something at home to make, I get yelled at by my family because I am cooking at 2AM. Well this is really isn't gonna go anywhere, I just wish I had some food.
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"Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun! - Ash"
 41yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
you dont have IHOP? blasphamy.
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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 41yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that wholly is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I live in a dry county in the middle of the bible belt, nuff said.
 41yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Wyote is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
potential. we all have it. every day that passes more of it dies. i could have been president, i could have been the next great playwrite, i could have won the nobel peace prize. not that i ever wanted any of these things, quite honestly thats too much stress for myself. but the point is each day opportunities are missed, chances fade away. if we truly only have one life to live, it is extremely unfortunate that so many great potentials simply get lost and/or eatin up in this chaotic world. no one reaches their full potential. few attempt to seek it. those who do are shunned from society, doomed to a life of solitude, thereby losing their full potential anyway. its a shame, its a god damn shame.
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"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. - Thomas Carlyle"
 42yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Fairy Boy is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
i had to move this weekend started fri morning by the time i got to my furniture it started rainning, ever move in the dark in the rain the place i moved to has a kitchen,the floor looks like a stoned hippie coughed it up,blues greens swirly crap....gawd no tv reception yet, no kitchen capoards bla bla bla oh and the roof has a leak.... oh and the power was off half the weekend.
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""Veritatem quaere et insaniam inveni""
 62yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that Lady Tazmanian is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Great Topic! Wy, I'm sorry to hear about you friend's wife. My rant: I'm extremely worried about my daughter's boyfriend. I have no doubt that he will break her heart and I can only pray that she will not suffer.
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Thanks, M. Taz! To Wyote- Sorry to hear about your friend's wife. Props to him in this obviously turbulant time. I just lost a close friend not a month ago to type II Diabetes- It totally transformed him from an intelligent, mobile, drop-dead halarious human being to a bedridden shell of a man with muscle spasms, dialysis three times a day, killed his speech until it slurred beyond recognition, and took his sight. The Docs gave him two months. He hung in there in that state for five years. I honestly don't know how he did it. Also, I just got totally, undeniably SHOT DOWN by a crush I've had since sophmore year in high school- Heard her talking behind my back about what a sleaze I was since I actually take things seriously at school- crushes get you nowhere, you just watch for a while until someone comes to take her heart.
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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I am an actor with some talent in singing and acting, and as a freshman, I earned fourth on the cast in the school musical. Big mistake accepting that part. Now it's not like I don't enjoy the spotight, but there is too much of a good thing. Everyone started expecting great things out of me, which I tried hard to deliver. Most of the time, I came through. The one time I didn't annoyed not only me, but also the entire cast. I resolved not to return after the show and started shopping around for a new passtime. This is where I discovered that acting is a drug and peer pressure is not a good thing. I was brought back into a new play as another form of comic relief. (Note: Cannot do comedy to save life) The show went OK, but I once again decided to stay away after the show. Now don't get me wrong, I keep most of my promises, but this is an exception I don't want... I joined the second musical. I now had a job, a choir to direct, two-no three- choirs to sing in, and a now finally budding social life, and time was crunched. I screwed it all and went in. Our director Kym told us that dropping out was not acceptable, and those that did would go onto the fabled and feared 'shit list.' I laughed with the rest of the cast. About three or four days into the rehersals, I was doing a quick put-together of my schedules and for the first time I realized how oveloaded I was. I was going to kneel over from a heart attack before I'm old enough to drink if I wasn't careful. I decided finally to make good on my promise. I dropped. I made one elementary error in doing so. I didn't explain myself. I just handed in my books and walked out to catch a ride home. Now since my part was in the chorus (and don't get me wrong- Bye Bye Birdie songs are not too shabby) and I walked after three days, and with the usual assuming nature of the die-hard drama people, it was soon widely believed that I dropped due to the fact that I didn't have a big part. That, in the drama world, is a crime more heinous than murdering a parent or an infant in cold blood. It also meant excommunication. People ignored me before, since at the beginning of the year I was somewhat quiet, but now, I swear they went out of thier way to ignore me. My grades, grades I had hoped to raise by dropping, fell with a resounding crash. Peers who had once at least acknowledged my existance before now looked through me as if I were made of glass. There was one good thing that came out of all this. The friends I had made in the drama program, ones who had asked advice and given it, joked and laughed, worked and reworked, were weeded out, until only the strongest friends remain. Thanks so much to them. You know who you are. I am in Beauty and the Beast right now, and with the show coming up in three or so weeks, I have finally set myself at ease. I am planning this to be my last show. I have a steady job and friends in the drama program as well as out which I hope will support me later. If they don't, then I can fall back on the age old method of standing on two feet and facing the storm alone. I've done it before, and I'll do it agian. I can do without the stage, therefore, the stage can do without me. Call me overly assertive, whatever. Oh, and to the drama teacher- it's been a while since we've talked, and although I dropped and most likely scratched myself off your list, you're still one of the best in the district. Bye Bye Birdie was amazing, and I am glad to have had the oppertunities you have given me. Thanks.
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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"
 401yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that poser exposer is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
...this forum should be re-titled "whiners club" on the internet... stop the 'self loathing' and get over it already. jesus a christ, move on, life goes on. fucking depressing.
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Vortex271 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
RANT: (noun) a narration of a story one finds particularly funny, ironic, moving, or important to the writer, posted to vent feelings and/or emotions. Call it whining, self-loathing, whatever. Life goes on. We all need somewhere to vent. It can be depressing, funny, or a host of other things, but that's life.
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""As I sit before the fire, I wonder how many before myself have been burned.'"