It's an honest question. The middle class is being taxed into extinction. Our House of Reps jus... |
52 Posts 23515 Views |
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practica... |
24 Posts 12422 Views |
Amazing, these houses may be old but a house with land is a house with land. These are real listings... |
5 Posts 6151 Views |
Sen. Bernard Sanders accuses the gamblers on the Wall Street. |
8 Posts 4143 Views |
It is my opinion that the world economy is nothing more than a house of cards.
In the past a count... |
3 Posts 2368 Views |
check this site out http://www.newciv.org/whole/mo netarysystem.html
What do you think about the m... |
1 Posts 3808 Views |
http://www.africaheritage.com/ news.php?id=384
Check this site out it is all about the Rand!!!... |
1 Posts 2226 Views |
Will we ever have a world without the need for currency?
Our form of currency is by far flawed and... |
1 Posts 2261 Views |
Do you think there should be any classes of income?
personal i think classes of income should not... |
1 Posts 2305 Views |
Why the cost of living continually rises? Seriously, I know "greed" is the common denomina... |
12 Posts 2759 Views |
I am going to start making threads that begin with a quot from Tocqueville's "Democracy in... |
2 Posts 3415 Views |
What is Globalization?
In the 20th century the human race was confronted with such a natural phenom... |
16 Posts 6419 Views |
Just saw this today and I really liked it. Joseph's solutions are really good and well thought... |
4 Posts 2637 Views |
Call for Applications
The Rise of Africa
"Africa and the Global Economy: The Future... |
1 Posts 2541 Views |
Australia unveiled a flood tax on higher income earners Thursday as Prime Minister Julia Gillard war... |
1 Posts 2021 Views |
Venezuela has surpassed Saudi Arabia to become the nation with the largest proven crude oil reserves... |
1 Posts 2155 Views |
Who makes it, who controls it, and why everyone including our governments are in debt.
Familiariz... |
34 Posts 9958 Views |
Here is a whole page advertisement in San Jose Mercury News on August 24, 2009:
Cash for Gold com... |
11 Posts 3798 Views |
556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)
People think the nuclear ambition of Iran is th... |
24 Posts 9993 Views |
If anyone watched the second zeitgeist film they would have heard of a resource based economy.
A... |
5 Posts 3589 Views |
The share of both rural and semi-urban banks in the total credit is much below their contribution in... |
1 Posts 2349 Views |
I heard Hannity from Fox talking about President Obama tripling our debt since he has taken office.... |
6 Posts 6995 Views |
Study by some Swedes shows why Europe is an economic laggard comparded to the USA. It attempts to ex... |
7 Posts 21141 Views |
You'd think that things like disasters, or the purity of childhood, or even milk, let alone wat... |
1 Posts 2139 Views |
Peter Schiff has been predicting this recession for some time now and his predictions are only getti... |
1 Posts 2211 Views |