(MY OPINION) O GET WITH IT! GAYS DONT LOVE, they LUST. -_- ....being gay is wrong, it was always wrong until fools from the past decided to change what God said.


Ever wonder why 911 happened and all these things are happening to America now? Thats because they allow sin to rule their nation. American will fall, it represents BABYLON THE GREAT.
Then they make up lies about they were born that way...gays just chose to be that way, they just want sexual relations with their same sex. They have a right to choose since God NEVER forces anyone to do anything. But ITS WRONG! The BIBLE says ITS WRONG, thats GOSPEL so thats how it is. Thats why an entire city was destroyed! They were sexually IMMORAL!

So stop they gay crap! If they have a right to be gay and go against God then rapist have the right to rape, and pervs and child abusers have a right to rape and have sex with our children. why?

"because they were born that way!" lol