This is quite a complex subject but I'm going to try to brief my current situation.
I am a 27 year old single guy. I've been working in a bank for the past year and I've always been a very hard working individual. I always had the aim to go to live on my own and since I finished my studies I always worked hard to set some money aside to make this step in my life. I have always shown my personal qualities including that of being a trustworthy employee and because of this I always had a very good rapport with my ex and present bosses.
I do have clear goals. I work hard to achieve some of these goals. However, although people around me may take the impression that I'm the 'Happy Guy' because I have these good qualities, I don't feel happy most of the time.
First of all I don't view things like most of the people do. I consider myself as being a bit more complex. I think that we're living in a system which everyone is being manipulated and forced to live a life which doesn't belong to us! I believe that things should be taught differently and that this eagerness for money should be eliminated/minimised through proper education. Further to this, I don't feel I fit really well in this society. But as a human being I feel the need to feel acknowledged. Therefore at the back of my mind I still feel the need to have a nice car, to have a functioning social life (which I currently don't have) and to be in line to what society/media have set out to be as 'normal'.
When I look in the mirror I'm not sure whether I'm looking to someone who's being realistic or negative. Either way, the point is that I never seem to be happy. Most of the time I do feel anxious, worried and thinking of what I can actually do in order to feel better. Well, as I have already mentioned I'm already working on some of my goals. I am taking classes to get qualified in the area of 3D-Design (since I know this could actually lead to a job which relates to one of my passions), working hard to buy and furnish my own place, etc. However, I consider myself as being quite an introverted person. People do exhaust me and having the jobs I currently have are making my days quite a challenge. In fact, I end up spending my free time alone in my room with the door closed. Somehow I feel comfortable in isolating myself. Because of this I lead myself into having no social life. Well I don't know exactly whether this is a result of all the social exhaustion I'm experiencing on a daily basis but this is something which is truly influencing me negatively. Furthermore, I'm not the kind of guy who likes to hang out with a large group of people who like to do crazy things. I prefer to have a small group of friends (5-6) who enjoy simple activities such as trekking, picnics, campings, movie/game nights. etc. I don't really enjoy clubs anymore.
Basically the above briefly explains what my current state is, what I'm actually going through and also what I'm after! I would appreciate if anyone can express his/her opinion of how I can actually feel better. The fact that I'm in the wrong job, have no social life and that the way I view things may not be the ideal one does make life a very big challenge for me. I would appreciate a lot if I can hear some serious suggestions.
Thanks in advance for anyone who will take the time