I don't know if this has been done here....but I want to write a letter to someone and NOT send it......So, feel free to write anything on this post to anyone you want saying anything you want....
Dear YOU,
Its been over five weeks and we have seen each other EXCLUSIVELY. (I know...only five weeks but ive known him since high school)
Your HOT, im even HOTTER. We are on FIRE together.
I am single now. Realize this. Realize that guys pick up on me DAILY. It sucks. You and I are DATING as you say, but if you want me....to YOURSELF....to WAIT around until that one day a week you have off of work where we can spend our time together, then FUCKEN CLAIM ME NOW. Dating to ME means several.
I ask you...."if some chick comes up to you and asks if your single what do you say?" You tell me you will tell them you are "dating." WTF? That means HELLO I AM DATING AT THIS MOMENT HANG OUT WITH ME.
Realize that maybe once in a lifetime you will meet someone in which you can talk intelligent conversations with, have a BAD ASS time with the smooching and love are more than wonderful, and we BOTH know we are for each other. Too much in common to be true? We both speak on a different level. An INTELLIGENT level and how often to you find a hot chick which you can talk almost ANY subject with ALMOST with full intelligence? (Almost on my part) Who is sexier then shit????
I know you think I am funny, smart, beautiful, unique, blah, blah, blah I am. THEN FRICKEN CLAIM ME!
I mean what is so hard to say as I am SEEING someone at the moment, as opposed to DATING.
You are so smart. Don't you get it? I know your not out to use me. I know you say you only want and am going to see me. I know you have not seen anyone else in years so I am that "special," pick. But come on....get some balls and claim this bad ass chick.
You don't have to MARRY me. You don't have to call me your GIRLFRIEND. But you ARE seeing someone. That someone is ME! Though I would never say it to your face...but....DICK!
Listen, im giving you two more "dates" Maybe even only one more, and THEN.....im gona call all the numbers thrown at me, go out on the dates that I have been asked on since "DATING" you.....and you will be one stupid ASS. You will regret it.
Don't be Stupid. Claim the best thing you will ever come acrossed. Ever.

And no I am not evil.....I treat you with the utmost respect and love as you I. Now wake the fuck up before you fuck up.