 65yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that okcitykid is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
November Elections in the U.S. |
They say violence in Iraq is on the increase because they know it can effect the elections here in the states. Three things wrong with this claim. 1. People can make up such stuff and be heard. 2. People can make up such stuff and be believed. 3. People can make up such stuff and not be challenged. I bet if I went to Iraq and asked anyone on the street what they thought about the November 7 elections in the U.S. I would get a blank stare from someone wondering just why I would think the November elections in the U.S. matter to him or her who mainly is only concerned about staying alive. October has been the worst month ever, what will they say in November or December? If the Republicans don't cheat the Democrats will win and dialog rather than threats to other nations will begin to the benifit of all concerned. An investigation will began with the American people demanding an Impeachment. I predict Bush will atempt to step down, we will probebly allow it for the sake of his father. If the Republicans win, that means they cheated for sure and all Americans will know it. This for sure will no longer be America and all Americans will for sure have a fight on there hands against a rogue government from within.
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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."
 39yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that danman2_2999 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
I agree... I cannot see that there is THAT many of them southern-speaking white people that LOVE Jesus and LOVE George W to win the election.... Surely not all of our brains are made of mush.... I think the American public, whether predominently white christians or not, have had a little slap in the face, and have seen that maybe all of this fighting in Iraq has led us to a humongore unprecedented debt that was just a surplus just within this past decade. Maybe these aggressive republicans that lie about WMDs and force "democracy" throughout the world really are not what JESUS wants... Why should we be spreading democracy? So other countries can start getting richer, just to be able to increase the production of goods, ultimately to increase pollution. When people do what they want, bad shit happens.....we need a stronger, humanitarian government to tell us what to do or not to do, or we'll fuck ourselves or others around us, or ultimately the world. I do not believe those Iraqis give a damn about our election, the only thing I can possible think of is that if they keep killing our soldiers, possibly America will get our heads of our asses and pull out of Iraq, and leave those Muslims alone, if anything let them blow themselves up.