And seeing as I am one of the oldest here, I shall venture to comment:
I personally get fed up when I lose faith in myself and my ability to be ALIVE and creative. What most of you guys seem to be talking about is known as "Waiting to be dead", and its a fear based habit that is not actually age related at all (although admittedly children don't usually go there).
Some dull spark (called Fear) thought up the idea that if you just shut down and submit to a mundane life, that you will be safer and will somehow be rewarded by this. Garbage!
But then they all had their heads up their arses when they thought of this and are still busy in the process of self-asphyxiation. Indeed the rush of fresh air when they tentatively withdraw can be quite disorienting so they quickly return their heads into the sewer.
There is no getting better at coping either no matter how old you are. Old people who have spent a lifetime with their heads up their arses (maybe that's one of the causes of lumbago ,lol) just grow more used to the stench. But I've seen many a teenager and young adult doing exactly the same thing.
I become quite malevolently angry with those adults who encourage youngsters to live with their heads up their ass just because they want them to suffer as much as they have. And I dont care if they dont know any better, we all have a responsibility to educate ourselves better.
The only way out imo, is to feel around for your heart. You'll know it when you get near it because it might make you feel afraid or want to cry, or do something out of the ordinary. That was very likely the last action that convinced you to proceed up your own arse in the first place.
So then what you need to do is just feel whats going on and have a good cry, even if you feel enraged by it!
And as embarrassing as it may seem, it will nevertheless release you and empower you to get up and move on in the right direction again (usually the one that made you feel more vulnerable in the first place, lol).
I think feeling fed up is rather like feeling constipated in life, and so you just have to let all the shit go before you can move on again.
Oh, and Zayrina...welcome fellow female of similar age. Please dont take offence at my pointing this out, but I just have to say that this sentiment
but I just thought I would toss in that as you get older it just gets worse.
Enjoy your youth, it's all downhill from there!
..and has no basis in truth. It is instead a nasty sign of the ole head-up-bottomsie...
(anyway I really liked what you had to say on the crazy-about -him-thread, so no offense to you intended)