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 54yrs • M • 
KerryGoHome is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
Kallenites, x-liberals, and Neocons, oh my! |
To qualify ones thinking by assuming that if one believes in x, he must also 'therefore' believe in y, is a mode of reasoning which is not a priori. I.E., the conclusion should have some relationship to the preposition. These days, that is what is wrong with liberalism. The disembodied intransigence and abstract nature of liberalism as a political tradition has no recent historical record from which to illustrate its success. Liberalism could not solve our ills with a generations worth of time – say from the birth pangs of the civil rights movement up until the Reagan administration. All it did was throw money at everything hoping it would somehow repair itself, and in the process create more and more levels of bureaucracy. John Kerry has succeeded in threatening to reconstitute this failed liberal bureaucracy of a bygone era. Liberals take up other people's causes, often not necessarily to promote 'humanitarian ideals', but because the political situation is such that the platform of the disenfranchised creates a political vacuum. It then becomes a question of 'opportunism': where a love of country and moral leadership with vision has nothing to do with filling the void. They claim that when they take up causes outside of their own interests – indeed their countries interests – that it 'builds character'. They claim that if one can take on someone else's suffering or misfortune, that that makes them 'a better person'. The political intransigence of liberalism works in the university where they make a living teaching 'Diversity' and 'Multiculturalism', but not in every day reality where people live from paycheck to paycheck: especially during wartime when feelings of patriotism run high. Wartime is a good time to put to the test ones notion of patriotism. Liberals who know George Bush has and is continuing to do a great job on the economy and against terrorism are being less than honest with themselves when they criticize him for preventing suicide bombers from coming to the shores of America. Kallenites who have not as yet outgrown their professional service to cultural pluralism (or have retired from the trade) are doing themselves and their country a disservice. Liberalism worked well in the mid 19th Cen., and into the seventh decade in America of the 20th Cen. For example, liberalism facilitated the fall of Papal rule in 1858. America underwent a Civil War because progressive forces could not be stopped. The struggle that some of our ancestors were put through in Europe during those years and beyond, must never be forgotten! But now, in America, second and third generation Kallenites are no longer faced with the same oppressive forces that their forefathers faced. America was good to their forefathers. America enabled our parents and grandparents to build a better future for us. We are successful. So why do we still cling to an obsolete philosophy? Baby boomers thinking about retirement from academe are not going to look to retire to those urban communities that they have been speaking so highly about and defending all their lives in the classroom. (It reminds me of the time when during the Los Angeles riots in April of '92, after the minorities started looting; the very same liberals who defended Rodney King – all of a sudden scrambled for handgun licenses because they feared for their lives. They demanded protection from the very same police they were speaking out against – and were, justifiably, fearful that they wouldn't get it). Put all the mud-slinging aside for a moment and ask yourself: why change administrations especially at a time like this? Is it not reasonable to suggest that the CIA and Military would work even harder for the current administration given the Bush families history? But not for some transient liberal administration who won't even tell us what they stand for. If, God forbid, John Kerry were elected, we would go from having a leader with vision and conviction, together with the sacrifices we made to produce that history ... (to then be undercut by an anachronism by the name of George Soros pursuing a personal vendetta)? By what self-defeating notions of masochism can it be justified that john Kerry -- who is popular in France -- would be as concerned for our collective self-preservation as is George Bush. Kerry's bought and paid for liberalism would run counter to our position in the struggle for geopolitical stability. Perception is everything, and I just can't believe that people would work as hard for a man with no vision. Hopefully we can reach out to the progeny of the Kallenites and implore them to see the big picture: that it is not too late to try and remember the National Anthem ... and to re-discover the country that enabled our parents to build a better future for us. It's never too late. Come home and vote for George Bush! Philip
 57yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that Patrish is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
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"Life is full of lemons, and the lemonade is sweet."
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
well can I remember that old saying which was drilled into my young head . . .ahh, dull vain memories of my youth. ------------------------------------ I pledge alligence to a Flag (?) of the United States of America & to the Repubic for which it stands. (?) One nation under God (whose God ?), with liberty & justice for all.(?) ------------------------------------ To begin with I learned that I should put GOD first, ahead of all others & not last. This is something I learned from this fellow, Jesus, whom they call Christ. So yes I do have a different set of priorities than the majority of you. quote: "Life is full of lemons, and the lemonade is sweet."
Ya but you have to sdd the sugsr to make it sweat, yourself.
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 62yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that imn2caves is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
[are no longer faced with the same oppressive forces that their forefathers faced.] What do think GW Bush is, a godsend? His groupies care less about the environment, care less about heathcare, care less about the rights of workers, they have destroyed the reputation and credibility of our country, and all in the name of profits. Ever notice this KerryGoHome fellow never replies. He's like a Rush Limpball, states his opinion and leaves. Like Rush, he is afraid of a real debate.
 54yrs • M • 
KerryGoHome is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
cturtle, You have the freedom to hallucinate, and we have the right to defend your right to do so. Sweet dreams. Philip PS: Don't forget that your freedom requires maintenance.
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Dear Phil, I really don't understand your statement. What hallucination are you referring too. After all, yours comments were rather lengthy, mine are in reference to the pledge of Allegiance. I mean the wording has a flow as it stands (like poetry or song lyrics). So I question the concepts evoked by the pledge? 1) However, to pledge to a piece of cloth, a sound rather ludicrous especially as it starts & therefore establishes the order. which would be rather heyoka (reversed) order to most people. Ascending from the lowest level to the highest level as opposed to a more normal descending order? 2) A democracy or a Capitalist Republic? 3) What God does Capitalism worship? 4) Liberty & Justice, I have seen others & been subjected to violations of justice & liberty. Which I think most people would agree does happens too often to feel secure in our liberty? So I worry about more about this governments tyranny than some terrorist threat because I know & have seen more of that which results from the power of government institutions. That is not a hallucinations, unfortunate as it is the reality!
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice." [ Edited by cturtle at
 54yrs • M • 
KerryGoHome is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
First of all, there is no "S" in happens as in "Which I think most people would agree does "HAPPENS" to often to feel secure in our liberty"? You are obviously young and lacking in knowledge. Your grammar sucks, and your Marxist/socialist attitude even more deplorable. Your perception of the world is twisted; and if you really feel that way about our country and government -- you ungrateful Bastard -- then please leave! Go back to your South American drug cartel and dance with the Pope. You are a gnat: you consume but you do not excrete. Do you have your green card yet? You are a drain on lady liberty and should be thrown out of the country. "...results from the power of government institutions". What the hell are you talking about? You idiot you. Thank You, Phil
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Well Phil, you are not the first to misunderstand. So if you are willing to read a little tale, you may find something useful? I am, what is called a cracker, like my father before me. As to my grandfather, I don't know. He died before I came into this world. Although my father had many brothers & sisters, they never spoke of him but I don't know why? My grandmother, she was white as is my mother so I assume that I am white like my father before me? My father was a tradesman, so he taught me his trade. My father was a hunter, so he taught me to hunt. My favorite memories are of hunting with my father. In my teens, my father moved out to the Northwest to live. He purchased a herd of horses & a dude riding concession in a small town in Montana. I went to see him so I learned to shoe a horse (out there if you didn't, the horse went unshod) & had some other interesting experiences. During that summer, I would go with a local youth down to the pasture each morning to get the horses. So we would saddle up a couple of horses then heard the rest into town. It was suppose to be promotional thing but few tourist were out at that hour of the morning, anyway we would herd the horses down Main Street of town & into the corral. Feed and saddle the stock, then wait for the tourist to come around & take them out to the old strip mining along the ruby valley then up to boothill, around and about the town. This was good for the summer but come winter, we would use the stock to set up hunt camps & take out of state hunters in for 10-day hunts. I really enjoyed hunting out there in those mountains, especially because I had been born & raised in a flat semi-tropical land. Which was a plus for me, because when I got to Nam, most guys had never been near a jungle but I felt right at home. Like most hunters, I have my favorite hunting stories as well, like taking my first deer. As we ran a hunt camp, I had never taken a big game animal myself. When I was younger, my father had taken me small game hunting & on such I had cut my teeth. So when we weren't busy with paying customers, dad took me out to hunt with him, which is when I got my first deer. We were on horse back in some deep snow when we spotted a herd of deer above us at the edge of the tree line. I dismounted & moved up into some cover, where I laid out prone in the snow for a 200yd. shot. Looking through the scope, I looked over the herd until I spotted a spike buck standing broadside to me. Now, you should understand that although most of the hunters we brought into camp would have been looking for a rack, I was more interested in the meat. the area was open to either sex so I had quite a selection before me. Anyway I sighted in & touched off a round. Suddenly a flurry of snow seemed to rise from the ground & in it the buck had disappeared? I chambered another round then looked around with the scope but just couldn't find hide nor hair of the deer. I called to dad to see if he had saw what happen to him but he just said he hadn't but to take another shot. Now the herd was spooked, they sensed danger but didn't know where to run? A few would start in this direction or that but they weren't sure which way to run. I picked out a nice doe & took her down with one shot. When she went down, the rest of the herd headed for the hills so dad came up with the horses & we went up the hill to the deer. When we got close things became clear, the buck was standing on a knoll & my first shot had taken him down. He had dropped of the knoll into a swell fill with snow that had caused the snow flurry that had hid him from our sight. The second shot, the doe was anther 20 yd. away so my first deer had been two not one. We dismounted, dad taking out his knife went to one and I seeking his approval went to the other. He finished before I did & came up to where I was kneeling in the snow. I looked up & saw the acceptance beaming in his face. It was a good hunt. Then he did something that seemed a little strange to me. He reached down into a pool of blood in the snow & drew a line on my forehead? He had taught me to take the bloody snow & rub it on the horses snout to cover the smell of death before bring the horse up to pack out the kill. Seeing the quizzical look on my face, he said that it was to appease the spirit of the deer to show respect for the gift of life. Not understanding showed in my face so he added that it was kind of an Indian thing to do.
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice." [ Edited by cturtle at
 62yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that imn2caves is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Phil, you do exist! Thought you were a paid flunkie who hits 'send' every few minutes. Ungrateful Bastard? If you feel the need to tell people to leave the country when their opinions do not reflect your own, then you are in the wrong country. Good luck in China. I didn't know one had to be an English major to be in this website. CT's perception of the world may indeed be twisted, but yours is warped beyond belief. For 20+ years (actually since the 1930's) your side has tried to do away with social programs. The rallying cry has been 'big government'. The irony is that the war on drugs alone has wasted billions of dollars, and has permanently created the big government that your side whines about. And now, someone must pay for the huge deficits. Here's your chance to do away with the social programs altogether. Rather than raise taxes to pay it off, something must be drastically cut. Let's see if your side has the balls to do it. Of course they don't!! They would lose voters en masse, so they'd rather whine about it, assuring that people like you would listen.
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
Thank you imn2caves, ya, Phil is for real. Aren't you Phillip.
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice."
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
"By what self-defeating notions of masochism can it be justified that john Kerry -- who is popular in France -- " That slimy cheese-eating surrender monkey...
 54yrs • M • 
KerryGoHome is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
If that story is true and you are who you say you are, then I apologize. Otherwise -- I'm not going to get into a whole big thing about National Identity and Multiculturalism, etc. Let me just say for now that what I am about to say would not include you, that is, if the story you sent is true. I am mad about people who come here from other places, who use the laws we have for their own advancement. I am mad at Russians who wear fur coats and collect welfare at the same time. I am mad at Mexicans who send money back home; who pretend they don't speak English -- and then laugh about it behind my back. I am mad about illegal immigrants who steal jobs from American boys. I am also mad at the construction companies who hire them. I am mad about people who come here and SNICKER their way around ... people who will use every crack and loop-hole in the system to further their cause and look at me cock-eyed at the same time. It is unfortunate that, in general, Native Americans, Negro Americans, Jews, Asians, Homosexuals, and people of color somehow manage to find themselves in the same political circle. This is what is known as 'besieged bed-fellows'. So they are lumped together, generally, in a category we normally refer to as Democratic and/or Liberal. The point. I see that 'generalized category' becoming larger and larger as the years go by. So I am left with a choice. Either I drop out of the whole thing by ignoring it or pick which group I belong to. When I came of age intellectually I slowly realized one fundamental thing (among dozens of other 'minor revelations'): 'that there are certain cultural traditions such as family values; respect for the American flag; respect for the Supreme Court; respect for the Military; and respect for the words 'Under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance. I would rather see 'prayer' in the classrooms than firearms. But the classrooms are loaded now with undisciplined children. How did it get this way? I'm sure it did not get this way through some mystical deceleration in the evolutionary process. It got that way because a generations worth of failed liberal bureaucracy espoused 'Diversity', 'Multiculturalism' and 'tolerance', and in the process enabled those who would abuse that opportunity to do exactly that. The experiment failed. So cturtle, this is where my head is at. Again, if I offended you I'm sorry, and thank you for serving our country. Philip
 38yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that Angelfire is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
America is about multi-culturalism. The original colonists were english, dutch and germans. Then many believed there was a crisis in america because catholic irish, italians and poles came. Today is no different, America is beautiful in that it is THE melting pot. Somehow though, successive generations seem to want to resist the inevitable redefinition of the American as new immigrants add their own culture. " But the classrooms are loaded now with undisciplined children. How did it get this way?" It seems a common trend that each generation as it gets older believes the youth are unorderly and spoiled. There was a quote from a ancient greek philosopher complaining about this; but it escapes me right now. " The experiment failed. " American multiculturalism has been key to the success of America. America has received culture after culture throughout 2 centuries. However, these people all had something in common : a lust for freedom in the New World. The culture was irrelevant. American culture is the sum of all the different cultures that came to its shores, but above all American culture is tolerance of new cultures and love of freedom.
 73yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that cturtle is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
quote: If that story is true and you are who you say you are, then I apologize.
As a matter of personal integerty, I generally don't lie. I don't like being lied to or decieved by others so I don't practice it myself. quote: I am mad about people . . . who will use every crack and loop-hole in the system to further their cause and . . . pick which group I belong to . . . 'that there are certain cultural traditions . . . respect for . . . God'
No apology necessary. GOD's Will, GOD's Way.
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"Terrorist or tyrant, few may come to the Truth that both are poor choice." [ Edited by cturtle at
 62yrs • M • 
A CTL of 1 means that imn2caves is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
[I am mad about people who come here from other places] I am too Phil! I have been since the fall of Vietnam. I am a liberal with conservative tendencies, so we do have a small common bond. Why are you so determined to give the current system a failing grade (my kids go to a great public school district)? Your side has been in complete control for nearly 4 years now. Do you honestly think that by picking the more 'patriotic' side that things will change? After 9/11 Bush had the perfect opportunity to change everything. Not one person in this country would've blamed him. But nothing changed. People are still coming to this country by any and all means. We are a reactionary people. True change occurs in the face of disaster. The Great Depression is a perfect example. 9/11 should've been another example.
Kallenites, x-liberals, and Neocons, oh my! |