 50yrs • M • 
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Do geese see God? |
Palindrome - a word, verse, or sentence or a number that reads the same backward or forward. some of my favourite palindromes that I found on the net are - Do geese see God? Mr. Owl ate my metal worm. Madam I'm Adam. Dammit I'm mad! A Santa lived as a Devil at NASA. Dog as a Devil... Deified... lived as a God. Lepers repel. Never odd or even. A famous palindrome by Napoleon - "Able was I ere I saw Elba." and possibly the best ever palindrome must be A man, a plan, a canal - Panama.
 25yrs • F • 
A CTL of 1 means that ravenclaw is a contributing member of Captain Cynic. 
There is a whole selection of palindromes in the Dr. Otto Rotcod chapter of Crazy English - I recognize some of them in your list. Rats live on no evil star is another one, not in Crazy English though. Here are all of Dr. Rotcod's palindromes and palindromic words that you did not list: Pa's a sap. Ma is as selfless as I am. Pepsi is pep. A Toyota. Civic. Golf? No, sir. Prefer prison-flog. I prefer pi. Same nice cinemas. Rise to vote, sir. Name now one man. Star comedy by Democrats. Draw pupil's lip upward. Xanax. Sex at noon taxes. Straw? No, too stupid a fad. I put soot on warts. Recluse's ulcer. Stressed desserts. I saw desserts; I'd no lemons, alas, no melon; distressed was I. Yo! Bottoms up - US motto. Boy! Peel's lager. Red rum did murder regal sleep. Doc, note, I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod. Evil is name of a foeman, as I live. Live not on evil. Repel evil as a live leper. Live on evasions? No! I save no evil. Rail at a liar. No, it is in opposition. O, stone me, not so! Eve Mad Adam Madam in Eden, I'm Adam. Eve, maiden name. Both sad in Eden? I dash to be manned. I am Eve. Eve saw diamond, erred. No maid was Eve. Won't lovers revolt now? Named under a ban- a bared nude man. Eve damned Eden, mad Eve. Her Eve's noose we soon sever, eh? No, evils live on. Snug, raw was I ere I saw war guns. Reviled did I live, evil I did deliver. Do good's deeds live on? No, evil's deeds do, O God. Egad, a base life defiles a bad age. No, it can- action! Now I do repay a period won. Did I do, O God, did I as I said I'd do? Good, I did! Now, sir, a war is won. Nor I, fool. Ah, no! We won halo- of iron! Are we not drawn toward, we few, drawn onward to a new era?