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I have nothing but contempt for the western woman

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 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I have nothing but contempt for the western woman
Contempt, and the need for a deep sense of cosmic vengeance against what she has become; a creature so divorced from her own femininity that she is nothing but a cancer to all that is beautiful.

Having traveled widely, and now living in Eastern Europe, where women have not only retained their femininity but also know inherently its worth, celebrating the true power of their sex rather than trying to emulate, yet emasculate, their male peers, I find I am much happier. I live in a culture where both sexes celebrate each other, and as a result are simply happier.

And so, as I look on at the ever increasing insanity of the western woman, her ego rampant, her gene pool emptying by the day, as western men such as myself wake up to the awfulness of their behaviour and simply vote with their feet, I need only wait to watch them grow old, bitter and lonely, and dance on their loveless graves.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 39yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Geisha is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I too am interested in knowing - what are some differences between western women and eastern European women? What is the insanity of western women?

btw - eastern Europe is countries like Russia/Croatia/Hungary right?

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 32yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Sammy K is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
You seem like an angry guy. just cause you don't have success with girls doesn't mean it's their fault. maybe russian girls have lower expectations?

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 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Sammy, I hope that as you grow older, you learn to listen to what is being said, without recourse to personal insult. You lose all credibility by simply making stuff up. How do you know I'm angry in general, rather than just angry about this particular thing? You don't. How do you know I don't have success with girls? You don't. And how do you know Russian girls have lower expectations? You don't.

But maybe expectations is the point, seeing as you raised it. Because maybe your ideas of high and low expectations are precisely the problem.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Living in the west for most of my life, through television and other media, suffused with the feminist ideals of the 1970's, I woke up one day with the realisation that my generation of men were somehow being blamed for the sins of our fathers' generation. There is no denying that women of the baby boomer generation felt that they were getting a rough ride at the hands of their male peers. But this anger seemed to penetrate the hearts of their daughters, and be accepted as pertaining to all men across the board. And so I began to realise, looking at culture and listening to conversation and opinions, that men were something to be at the least mocked, and at worst treated as objects; automata to fit in to a woman's expectations of life.

But my generation of guys are loving and sensitive. And being greeted with mild bullying and belittlement was so endemic that I just assumed that was the way women were. It was telling to me as I grew up, that most of my girlfriends came from other cultures. I just gravitated naturally toward what was warm, inviting and loving, and away from demands, manipulations and insults.

But after my first few trips to Eastern Europe, something really changed in me. For ages I couldn't work it out. Every time I found myself back in London, I would feel angrier and angrier. Angry at the growing disparity between how women were in the west, and how they were in the east.

It almost seemed to me that western women were angry at being feminine. I would watch circles of female friends literally belittle and condemn their feminine friends, women who actually seemed to love men rather than seeing them as something to possess and gain by.

I would enter my observations into discussion and would be amazed at how angry women would get around me, rather than simply discussing a view. It felt almost as though I was probing at a painful wound they would have preferred I hadn't discovered.

Eventually I had to take my situation seriously, and move to where I felt happier. To where I was respected, loved and celebrated as a man. I had realised painfully that this was just too big a rift for one man to sort out. It felt, honestly, as though women had gone full circle and become the guffawing buffoons that nineteenth century men were when the suffragettes started raising attention to their views.

The western woman listens only to her co-dependent friends, I realised, and is so immersed in media representations of her sex, that she has failed to put herself in the shoes of the men who are having to endure their not 'high' expectations, but simply erroneous expectations.

Women in Eastern Europe look on with wonder at western women. Don't get me wrong, there are aspects to western life and relationships that they want very much for themselves. But at the expense of making themselves unattractive to men on a variety of levels? No. Because why would a woman want to make herself unattractive? Why take away, out of spite it sometimes seems, what a man finds attractive? What a man wants and needs from a woman? What would that leave a woman with but the objectification of her flesh? And the parallel rise of pornography as male entertainment should be a klaxon warning in this regard.

I see couples truly in love where I live. Truly happy that a man is a man and a woman a woman. This does not mean that a woman's position in their society is diminished. She still demands equal working rights and such like. But she does not wish to become a man in order to compete with him.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Rainman05 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I live now, and have lived in Eastern Europe for a long time now. I have made several incursions as well as a longer one into the western world and on numerous occasions, the western world visited me. I don't agree with your generalization and therefore condemn it on the fact that it is a generalization.

But other than that, I do agree that your observations match my own on several occasions in regards to certain types of women and girls I have encountered personally or have heard of in that part of the world. I do however never thought of it as being the standard... the default way of things since the default way of things seemed very similar to the way it is all over the world from my experience.

The other issue is that somehow eastern european women are better in that they are more feminine. Though it is true that the feminist movement isn't so prevalent in this little nick of the world, it doesn't mean that there isn't another, more dangerous current, especially to the younger generation. It is the current that produces snooki fans and duck-faces. It is the current that produces high drop out rates and numerous cases of gold-diggers. It is a current that has always existed, but has increased in velocity over the course of my generation. The descendants of your generation old timer. While it is your generation fault, as well as those before you, for the fact that is has come to this tragic situation in todays world, you are now powerless to stop it and it is up to my generation and those that follow after us to pick up the cup and mend the shit your generation and those before you allowed to happen because of your impotence.

While it is true that many women in Eastern Europe, especially in the slavic part of Eastern Europe, crave a western lifestyle by all means (a dream fulled by the huge attempts at segregating this world from the rest) and that they won't risk losing the traits that they think will land them with such a dream (their femininity and more appreciation for the traditional values of the woman) it doesn't mean that they are in any way incompetent of taking up the challenge and raise to it. It is just that the main current is not that one. The main current is the one I just described. Those that are spared by this current become valuable women to be with... those that are affected by it, are lost.

The point is, that between these 2 main currents that ravage the population in Eastern and Western Europe, the one ravaging the Eastern European women is driving them towards emptyness and failure and stupidity while the western current is driving women to make something of themselves in spite of themselves and against themselves. Both are equally as destructive for the "traditional family" ideology that made Europe the best and most prosperous continent in the world, but one corrupts totally without producing anything.

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 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I'll decipher that nonsense later. Right now I have to go party.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 32yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Sammy K is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I don't get why you guys are judging women so aggressively when men are just as messed up in the east and the west. we have great friendships with our girlfriends that men could never have so maybe its your guys skewed view that is making you conclude allt hese incorrect things. yeah there are bitches everywhere but guys just wanting to have sex makes women have to be aggressive.

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 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Actually, I'm sorry Rainman, but you're just not being coherent enough for me to understand what you are saying. It's just a constant stream of consciousness that probably sounded good as you were writing it, but it would take too long to interpret the salient points. It would be like me having to do your thinking for you, and I don't have that kind of time.


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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Sammy, you are turning this into a women against men thing. Stop it.

I haven't set that kind of debate up at all. You are still taking this personally.

And this is not about 'bitches', per se. Although it is telling that you highlight that. It is more to do with the west's media representations of women, and then how that percolates into the minds of young girls, who grow into women who just fail to see men as human beings, firstly, and then encourage them to see men as a material addition to their lives rather than an equal, and does all this with a constant steady stream of belittlement. It's so prolific, so much a part of the norm, that you probably don't actually know what I'm talking about.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
And while I'm on it, what the hell is actually wrong with guys just wanting to have sex? That's what men are.

You give the impression that's a bad thing!?!

You think every guy should want to marry you?

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 43yrs • F •
how that percolates into the minds of young girls, who grow into women who just fail to see men as human beings

The primary reason these women don't see men as human beings is because from the earliest age, females are treated as though they themselves are not human - the media, social and parental portrayals of what a female should be is injected into young minds, obstructing their own perception of self - they are taught that they are not human, that they are infact much less than what a human is. Women's treatment of men is a bi-product of the injustice inflicted upon young female minds, often from the moment they are born.

Once society realizes theses ills, then men and women will begin living happier, more content lives with themselves and with each other.

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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
No that is not the primary reason. Not as motivator. It is true what you say, I'm not denying it. But the primary reason is that women feel they gain by it. That they gain by objectifying men. And that very motivation, though a response, as you say, to the conditioning you posit, creates competition rather than co-operation. A war of the sexes, in other words.

And I also sense in your view that you almost seem to be saying the reason western women are fucked up is all down to western men. But culture is formed by both sexes.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
 43yrs • F •
No that is not the primary reason.

We have a difference in opinion/perspective.
And I also sense in your view that you almost seem to be saying the reason western women are fucked up is all down to western men.

Your 'sensing' of my view is incorrect. This is a social issue, enforced by both women and by men.

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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
 54yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Ophion Roth is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Ok, good.

The problem then arises about what we can do to sort it out. And I just came to the conclusion that this is what it looks like when a culture dies.

It could be seen that Culture is something each sex is fighting for control for. But this very fighting is just a reflection of the deeper more subjective fight for control that most relationships edge towards after the honeymoon period is over; whether he is part of her life, or she part of his...both intents of course being the problem.

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"Fell through the looking glass and cannot seem to find my way beyond."
I have nothing but contempt for the western woman
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