When I first saw this, I didn't know who McKayla Maroney was and I thought okay, yeah, she looks pretty displeased; she's probably a Russian gymnast and the meme maker's just having a go at it:
...not a great meme by any means but then I had to investigate, I just wanted to see the actual medal ceremony to see what the fuss was all about. Then I find out that some uber Maroney-meme enthusiast has created this: http://mckaylaisnotimpressed.tumblr.com/
They even provide you with a neatly photoshopped Mckayla cut out, downloadable straight from the site to create and upload more new Mckayla memes:
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." [ Edited by Dawn at
I meant to mention, Mckayla is an American gymnast.
When I first saw the meme, I wasn't paying much attention to it and I assumed she was Russian because I've seen videos of Russian gymnasts where they are seriously, very very stern and react with severe unhappiness at anything less than first placement. Mckayla being American has switched my perception, because it suggests this trait has something to do with the gymnastics sport, perhaps some aspect of their training, that causes such thick reactions to being regarded as anything but the best.
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."