Imagine if i was a Freudian orthodox, my college is a nest for those, which side of the sword would i point at you? Freud, you could not argue the man, he always brings you back to the same point, it's a hermetic theory, you cannot think outside of it, that's why i don't like it.
coming back to the topic...i could go on and on about psychic determinism and how your present Desire is a subconscious agencing of your past desires. Some kids just change toys but they play with it the same way, the same root motivation.
Theres something you said that will make what i said sound like blabber :
We are only condemned by our past in as much as we believe that we are.
is it a cultural thing? does self-counsciousness/ representation differ from one culture to another? and from one era from to another?
even though you may not like Freud, his impact was strong on how the human started perceiving hisself. He said it himself : 3 revolutionary events wounded the Man in his narcissism: Galilee ( the earth is not the center of the universe) , the Darwinian paradigm, last but not least

freud himself by tellin' you that the ego is not even the master in its own domain.
Look at us now with our Cult of the past: bands trying to sound like the beachboys, our modern ye-ye's and the Victorian outfits on the catwalks...
Nietzsche is maybe one of the few who liberated the man "blessed are the forgetful" to serve your issue...
yeah but all those who came after him consecrated their works to pay an homage to him. Am i off-topic yet?
to Get back, let me quote you again

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance - Aldous Huxley"
I'm sure you see the link with this topic.
mhm... Now are we ever vigilant in the present? most are lost in their jobs (happy in self-ignorance) not to mention the amount of information we have to deal with everyday... dunno, i wish that this is not wishful thinking.