 65yrs • M • 
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Vote Against The Machine |
From New Hampshire Hillary Clinton, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 39.618% Clinton, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 34.908% Barack Obama, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 36.309% Obama, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 38.617% CNN has Clinton listed as the winner of New Hampshire. What other two states have become popular for voter fraud, let me see, Ohio and how about Florida. Guess who CNN has listed as the winner in those two states? Clinton. Are you starting to get the picture here. Has anyone ever been convicted of voter fraud? Is Bush still president? If they can get away with it once, why wouldn't they try it again, they will and are and if they want Hillary Clinton as president, should you? Think about it.
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"A fool says I know and a wise man says I wonder."