I really hate it when you are going the speed limit because, you know exactly where the cops are going to be *I speed in my town I know exactly where all there hide outs are though I have only been pulled over twice but, I still know where they all hide out.* But I really hate it when you are going the speed limit and, someone has to be an asshole and, tailgate your ass to make you move faster. I piss them off more by going slower hehe hehe like I did last night I stoped in the middle of the left turning lane and, glared them down before I turned because, they were almost touching my bumber on my car...

*they started to go slower after I glared at them

*Because for one it was pouring rain down hard last night and, I couldn't see so I was going slow for that not cause of the cops... But even when it isn't raining I still have tailgaters on my ass and I am like going 40 on a 30mp... I only go slower or slam on my breaks when somone is tailgating me just to piss them off... If they want to go fast why can't they just be paitent until the car isn't in front of them anymore? Or even go on the freeway? I also hate it when cops even tailgate you just so they think you will go faster so they have an excuse to pull you over and, give you a ticket I guess someone told me that a cop did that to them once. I told them that I would just keep going the speed limit no matter how hard the cop tries to make me go faster... But I really hate Tailgaters on my ass grrrrrrrr....