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Tagged > Tianmen mountain
THREAD Nature & GeographyHeavens Gate Mountain - Tianmen Mountain
2 Posts • 7761 Views
Science & Technology Forum
About 8 kilometers out of the Chinese town of Zhangjiajie, lies the Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park. Considered holy by the locals, there is a five hundred year old Buddhist temple located in th...
112 Posts • 26391 Views
Talk Talk
ok so im really really addicted to mountain dew. im not talking like "oh i need a mountain dew every day to get me through the day" no no its far worse... more like "if i dont get my mo...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 155900 Views
Talk Talk
Whenever an attractive woman walks by I always adjust my glasses a moment or two before she passes- it's so lame I know... I am concious of this but I still do it anyway next time i will try to...
 35yrs • M
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 33yrs • F
'Scepticism itself, following an unavoidable circle of pure reason, becomes dogma.' - Johann Georg Hamann, Letter to Johann Gottfried Herder
 40yrs • M
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THREAD Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18351 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Enough proof has been gathered that it is absolutely a fact that there is no proof of global warming. I know that this mountain of proof is not in Antarctica because I've been there. As a m...
 53yrs • M
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 54yrs • M
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 36yrs • F
 37yrs • M
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THREAD Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 14872 Views
Philosophy Forum
Mountain Girl: It's funny that the way you described your life coalesces with the behavior of the real "Mountain Girl." The unnamed giantess who hung out with the Ken Kesey crew and was...
 43yrs • M
hope you live your life well
 39yrs • M
Mountain Lightning Arouses the Females
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 28590 Views
Religion Forum
If I happen to be walking by a mountain and it explodes, just while I'm walking by it. I think I might take it personal and believe that God is doing this to me. Why not - God knew that mountain...
THREAD Jokesracist/ offensive jokes
12 Posts • 142678 Views
Jokes & Games
theres a speck and a black guy they both fall out of a plane which hits the ground first? Answer: the speck, because the black guy got hung up on a rope. LOL ----------------------- -------------...
 46yrs • F
defenestration- the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. Efficacy- thepower or capacity to produce a desired effect.
 79yrs • M
grizzly tracker
THREAD Cold Mountain
1 Posts • 3504 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Hey guys and girls...... I saw Cols Mountain last night and here is my review. Cast Nicole Kidman, Jude Law, Renee Zellweger, Giovanni somethingorother :) As always I don't go into the p...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 84170 Views
Science & Technology Forum
4 November 2012 Lenticular Clouds Over Washington Credit & Copyright: Tim Thompson Are those UFOs near that mountain? No -- they are multilayered lenticular clouds. Moist air forced to flow...
 54yrs • F
Just stepped back in to..."ruffle some feathers"
 42yrs • M
Evolution takes time, sometimes 0.0000000000168 seconds.
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 84170 Views
Science & Technology Forum
5 October 2012 Aurora and Fireball Over Norway Image Credit & Copyright: Ole C. Salomonsen (Arctic Light Photo) What's happening behind that mountain? A convergence of variable sky spec...
THREAD Creative MusingsScribbles from my notebook
2 Posts • 2573 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
My very first attempt at a villanelle. I'm glad I followed the basic structure and of that I am pleased. If there is anyone out there who could offer any constructive critique, I'd appreciat...
THREAD BooksBook dissection
20 Posts • 12838 Views
Talk Talk
From The Myth of Sisyphus- Albert Camus -The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought...
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