Anti matter? Well in essence all matter is energy as you say, but you fail to acknowledge that mater is not only condensed energy, but bundles of it in forms like electrons and protons and nuetrons. Now nuetrons and protons consist of the same energy bundels called quarks and bosons and then quarks consist even deeper of gluons. And all that differs from proton to neutron is the arrangement. Now anti protons is simply a diferent arangement of these basic elements.
O and about that space time thing that would take to long to explain(laziness). It will also be quite a new thing to include harmonizing into it al, because if it can be harmonized and aligned one might extract even more energy if you can get the state of your body matter to a bose-einstein condensate or close, and now I get why meditation could work so good, because it prevents unnescessary movements out of order.
Thanks for the great information, Theory, I appreciate it.