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 30yrs • M •
JamesW is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
I have a strange kind of belief about chi.

I believe that science is has the explination for it, and that is that space time is chi. Remember how it is always about how chi flows throught everything? Well modify space time theory into a flowing kind of matter(and sorry but me explaining how that works will take a lot, so just except it for this thread) and seeing that space time is energy.

Then what have you got? Energy that flows through everything and is always available for use, if you can. The problem is that most do not understand that our minds is not a waste in the universe, it is rather a gateway to turn any posibility of our nothingness of the imagination into reality through the munipulation of energy from space time, and as everything is energy, even mater we can create anything through munipulation.

But enough of my opinion, please speculate over my opinion or write your own, except if you go around denouncing the existence of every mistical thing without evidence, so keep in mind not to speculate too much negatively please.

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 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Theory is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
In all logic everything is imagination. (Including the reality you perceive)

Like you say everything is energy.
Including matter which by my understanding, matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration.

The what would this make anti matter?

Chi is your stored energy and being able to channel your chi would harmonise the vibrations of your energy.

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"We breathe natures breath until we are tired and layed to rest..."
 30yrs • M •
JamesW is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Anti matter? Well in essence all matter is energy as you say, but you fail to acknowledge that mater is not only condensed energy, but bundles of it in forms like electrons and protons and nuetrons. Now nuetrons and protons consist of the same energy bundels called quarks and bosons and then quarks consist even deeper of gluons. And all that differs from proton to neutron is the arrangement. Now anti protons is simply a diferent arangement of these basic elements.

O and about that space time thing that would take to long to explain(laziness). It will also be quite a new thing to include harmonizing into it al, because if it can be harmonized and aligned one might extract even more energy if you can get the state of your body matter to a bose-einstein condensate or close, and now I get why meditation could work so good, because it prevents unnescessary movements out of order.

Thanks for the great information, Theory, I appreciate it.

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 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Theory is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Interesting stuff!

But have you ever heard of the measurement problem when it comes to quontum mechanics. You can not measure when the wave-function collapses.
Which leads me to two assumptions

How can matter not see matter

And is anti matter in-fact a parallel universe to our own. Like a mirror image of reality.

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"We breathe natures breath until we are tired and layed to rest..."
 30yrs • M •
JamesW is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
Matter can never see matter. Matter in itself has no real observation properties, because it can only absorb photons and retransmit them, and if you truly look at photons it is only energy one sees, and not literally you seeing a object. Well I don't know if that will come across well enough.

O and I kind of dislike the idea of a paradox or parallel universe, I think the only possiblity of an opposite universe would be like you say, a mirror which only consists of the same stuff we have and in the same order. Just opposite charge. This mirror like anti universe would help a lot in the field of how we exist, because it takes away the problem of the big bang where the same amount of anti-particals and particals existed after the big bang through natural condensement, because if that happened everything would have annihalted everything else leaving only light. And also it will help in creation itself by saying two similar universes was created at the same time, one positive and one negative, and like math if you take 1 - 1 you get 0 which will make the existence of a universe possible simply by temporary quantum possibility of canceling out and requiring no initial energy, simply a possibility.

But to understand last mentioned, one has to think about what exactly was before existence, I like to think that nothing was before, and not the absence of everything but a kind of thing or matter that is nothing, in this nothing every posibilty would accur, and in essence create(or simply forever and all time long) a god that is all knowing. But this is my belief system so that I prove to myself I have a God that I worship.

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 30yrs • M •
JamesW is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site.
O and if I misunderstood, as I think I did, please point out and explaine

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 37yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Theory is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Think you misunderstood my first assumption.
As you are matter and the apparatus your using to measure the absence of the atoms are matter. You can not see the absence of the atoms.

Because you are made of the reality you can not perceive an absence of reality.

I think you hit the nail on the head with parallel universes.
Don't get me wrong I'm a firm believer in there only being 1 universe but as you say there is a direct mirror image of our universe which keeps normality and both prevent the other from collapsing.

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"We breathe natures breath until we are tired and layed to rest..."
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