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New Draft Auto Saving Ability

User Thread
 42yrs • F •
New Draft Auto Saving Ability
We have a new mechanism running on CC now to prevent users from losing content that they write in the event you mistakenly log out for / your browser crashes or closes / you accidentally hit back / click to go to another page.

Whenever you spend at least 20 seconds writing a reply / new post / private message, your text will be auto saved for 7 days. So if you write a post and close your browser window, when you come back to CC and go to the same reply page that you were working on, the text will be saved there until you post it is up or until the 7 day period expires.

For new threads - if you work on a new thread, to go back to the draft you will have to go to the forumin which you were going to post the new thread and just click on the 'New Thread' button again and your draft will be there.

There is an awesome added bonus to this feature - being that you can have one draft saved per parent forum. This means that you can have one draft saved in say the Psychology Forum and another in the Religion Forum. Be aware though that the one draft per forum applies does not apply to individual categories/sub forums within each parent forum.

Another useful aspect of this is that you can take your time with your posts/threads - write a portion and come back to it to finish later. Just make sure you post it up within 7 days though to avoid losing your text.

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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
New Draft Auto Saving Ability
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