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Aetheists Are Illogical - Page 5

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 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that pickup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
another thing its not about fear of fucking death, accepting that there is a great dirtnap is also believing in it you idiot you complete moron, your dealing with it the same way, kinda not really but its similar to holding the belief that if your good you might go to a good place and if your bad you go to a bad place again see the god gene theory we are disposed to believe just because its not in religion doesn't mean you can't be falsely certain of something your both effing wrong. Ahh the venting is soo freaking awesome right now.

You can't claim to know what you don't know

I hate when I think a cookie is chocolate chip and its fucking raisins

not only that but a predisposition towards thinking that we will eventually be rewarded in death for what we do in life is healthier than the belief in no consequences in life, when you take out all the other bs from organized religion and just do what you think is good and right in the world. I am pretty sure you will find that people are naturally good, but don't be a fucking hypocritical nietzschian humanist fascist atheist

I have more problems with religion that atheism but I am angrier with atheist because they should fucking know better

im sorry I am venting I am breaking some rules I know I am sorry to everyone but I don't understand the certainty and atheist love to antagonize religious people instead of explaining why organized religion is wrong and they don't try to steer them away. boggles my mind.

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"I like carl sagans spin on that, we are all made of the same stuff therefore we are all one and should love one another as an extension of ourselfs"
 38yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that SomeKindaCyan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Thankfully I am an atheist so my beliefs come first for me. Weather you are angry with my choices or not, gives you no right not to respect the fact that by having your opinion other people are allowed to have theirs too. Although you hate religious people and non-religious people? What bothers you so much about people living life to their own intent? I don't antagonize anyone by the way, my family are all devote Christians, I volunteer at churches and for fun raisers. So you sir, have to admit that you know nothing about me, and I am an Atheist.

I'm strong enough to let people believe what they want, and if the world did the same religion would be a non-issue.

Live and let live darn it.

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""Dying's easy; living's hard." -Wilson"
 71yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that thx1137 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
SomeKindaCyan, don't' fret it. It's just this open debate called Capitan Cynic. Pickup was just firing a ' fire and forget .' Just an expression of a mind in heat. It happens. We all get frustrated when what we think is gets challenged. In the long run its good for everyone. We all want to think we know. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't.

It is a very hard thing to think:. That when you leave your safe bed, scared, to run into the room where Father is sleeping, -- you only find that no one is there.

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 38yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that SomeKindaCyan is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Oh I'm not upset Just continuing the discussion.

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""Dying's easy; living's hard." -Wilson"
 35yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that pickup is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
I don't hate anyone I hate behavior and hypocrisy wherever it comes from. I think it's weird that you participate in church fundraisers, I really hope they aren't catholic ones. Cyan you are an exception to a lot of nietzschien humanist sort of athiests that detest people of religion and instead of showing them a better path and a community that accepts them for who they are they create a divide of ridicule, which is why I think a lot of religious people are at first intimidated to leave their communities of religion especially Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. The idea that they leave one community that at least attempts compassion to a world that seams to them to be full of contempt and nearly blind objectivity.

I have no problem with that type of atheism that you have, I hope your trying to at least try to talk to people about the hypocrisies of organized man made religions because I can't say the same for a believer that minds there own business and I have two sides of the family one devote catholics the other lapsed catholics that feign interest in religion and use it as a societal spiritual crutch. They support gay marriage for the most part yet all donate to an organization that condemns being gay, has paid billions in pedophile lawsuits and condemns gay marriage. most of them support the right to an abortion etc. etc.

when it comes to ethical ideas and beliefs I do think a bit black in white but that doesn't mean that my arguments are all strong men. Are government is a prime example of the failure of compromises between what is a terrible idea and what is an idea that could lead to some sort of a solution and then constantly turning it into bad ideas and watered down policies that are left limp and ineffective.

That's the problem with letting people believe what they want, you need to make an effort to change the ideas between people so that they align with a more ethically correct line of thinking.

but pickup who are you to tell everyone whats right and wrong.

What's to say majority rules in a mental institution or that our country is run by the smartest and most qualified.

I see what I believe as things that are wrong, a belief is essentially a really powerful idea to an atheist or an agnostic but with strenuous reasoning and logic involved they can change their beliefs and opinions.

Religious people can't do that because even questioning their beliefs is seen as a thought crime to them so they see no evil speak no evil hear no evil and that keeps them deaf dumb and blind.

I'm not saying you should go to your family and steer the conversation to ethics and how you can create your own and how people are naturally good and how organized religion is manipulative in modern politics as well as personal philosophy by espousing thought crime and etc. etc. but at least try to pick your spots, when someone you know is weak on religious faith, steer them away from religion and show them towards a more powerful form of self validation and or meaning in life.

I choose to be agnostic because there are horrible terrible things that happen in the world and some of those things, very few, have happened to me and even though I can explain how and why they happen in an intellectual context I can still not make sense of it, it used to drive me into suicidal depression.

I think I am going to start a New thread that states my own personal philosophy on life has others question there own because I am starting to over reach the thread.

So in summary cyan you are a rare Atheist and I applaud your disposition. I hate having to fake my way through my families religious celebration of holidays so I embrace the pagan aspects and admire the ideas of sacrifice and the very few positive lessons that can come from their idea of spirituality but it can be draining.

Parents lie to kids about everything when they are little, explaining the unexplained with myth lies and stories to cover their innocence for as long as possible and all this teaches kids that lying is ok in the long run and that the illusion of everything being fine is good enough when its not it just isn't

step out of the bubble, Live and let live but try to make a positive impact in the world that doesn't just feel good.

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"I like carl sagans spin on that, we are all made of the same stuff therefore we are all one and should love one another as an extension of ourselfs"
 71yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that thx1137 is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Parents lie to kids about everything when they are little, explaining the unexplained with myth lies and stories to cover their innocence for as long as possible and all this teaches kids that lying is ok in the long run and that the illusion of everything being fine is good enough when its not it just isn't

... ain't it just a bitch that those who raised us don't know much more than we do? I am all for respecting elders, and the wisdom of their years. Still there is a pure wisdom in a child as well.

Never-the-less, religion, has not left me without wisdom, though I hold it not. So try this: "So then, you will know them by their fruits."
-Matthew 7:16.
Sounds pretty right-on to me.

(Yes, this atheist has read the Bible. Cover to cover.
I wish I could say that for those who come to my door who want to know if I have found Jesus.
I didn't even know He was lost.)

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 46yrs • F •
A CTL of 1 means that Beuphemia is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Who friggen' knows? -Agnostic

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 65yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Hobbes Choice is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
Theists are poor spellers and are also poor logicians.

Attributing the complexity of the universe to an designer, is a commitment to a situation which is even less believable.

A designer has to be more complex than his design; thus you are now asking us to believe in something MORE complex than the universe.

Why can't the Universe just exist? What other examples of universes do you have to refute such a possibility.

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 65yrs • M
A CTL of 1 means that Hobbes Choice is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.

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 39yrs • M •
A CTL of 1 means that Sreru is a contributing member of Captain Cynic.
It all comes down to humility.

As you age, and if you age and are observant of the universe around you, and you absorb facts and information about how everything around us has come to be, you learn that time is a very slow thing.

It's a very slow thing that goes on for a long, long time. It is so long, and so slow, that billions and billions of "adjustments" have plenty of time to take place.

These adjustments allow all the items in the universe to exist in some form of "spiritual synchronicity", but just like your eyes do not fall out of your head, this is just a result of time and the elements. Not providence.

Your original argument is basically not sound because explaining something with theory as fact is far less reasonable than simply shrugging.

Yes the universe is complicated. Yes we philosophically do not understand where it all came from originally. But not knowing is a safer realm than claiming knowledge.

I have, however, come to understand that spirituality, religion and faith in ideas that may seem unreasonable to a pure scientist are sometimes necessary to help us cope with the harsh reality of being human.

Unlike animals, we witness and retain memory of intense fear and pain to a higher degree and have not yet evolved to learn how to psychologically cope and deal with such things efficiently. I see religion as a "hack" that we, as humans, rely on to try to replace that void in knowledge.

The fact remains, however, that not knowing is more correct than implausible conclusions.

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Aetheists Are Illogical - Page 5
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