 41yrs • M • 
Simple, Trenton is new to Captain Cynic and has less than 15 posts. New members have certain restrictions and must fill in CAPTCHAs to use various parts of the site. 
Discussion of the Theory of Human Growth |
"Human growth can be affected in direct connection to the level of competence in education and/or intrapersonal intelligence of the being, and in the absents or extreme lacking of education and/or intrapersonal intelligence, human growth is never discovered." Growth=is the devolopment from lower or simple to higher or more complex form. Education=is the power to make decisions Intrapersonal intelligence=is the abilty to use the correspondence thoery on ones' own mind to form an unbasis and self-true image of oneself and use that image to operate effectively in life. What are you thoughts? Simple, Trenton assume, makes an ass out of u and me