Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59182 Views Philosophy Forum |
in response to cturtle asking which cultures kill elders etc...
I was mainly refering to 'Eskimo's' who often killed or were advised to kill their elders if it was felt they were only... |
War & Terrorism900 years of the West against Islam
24 Posts • 6681 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Let's see, war ended in 732 so we decide, nearly 400 years later to retaliate??? Which war of retaliation is next??? Shall we go back 400 years? 2004-400=1604??? England and Spain? Why?
Since th... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13804 Views Talk Talk |
formally Salinger (I found my way back...)
The reason we supposedly (meaning a lot of people still do it anyway) don't kill/eat one another is because of our culture...the same reason you don&... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18644 Views Philosophy Forum |
would you describe the english as french, german or italian? no you wouldnt.
They all have the same roots. But I wouldn't describe them as the same language.
i meant race not language,... |
Religion & HumanityAn Essay On Same Sex Marriage
4 Posts • 18336 Views Religion Forum |
I agree with this essay as well It is practicaly flawless with its logic. Were you guys aware that some christian churches though they were ussualy over saw weddings claimed to have no authority over... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18644 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well I sure hope there's an American culture or I must have imagined all those people saying their American. I don't think age has much relation to it. I'm pretty sure that once people... |
LawRacism and reverse discrimination
18 Posts • 21871 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Sometimes the whole point of these things is to keep minorities alive. They fear that their culture is being attacked. But, I agree for where I live this is becoming a problem. Canada's populatio... |
19 Posts • 10712 Views Philosophy Forum |
well no, i was actually talking about sexual orientation, not gender. although i do think the two may be connected in several ways, i don't know.
i just thought it was interesting how the greeks... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34158 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
But is it morally correct to impose an idea on another country?
What we might find unacceptable in our culture might be there normal in there's.
Il give you an example of what I mean, there is a tr... |
Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8917 Views Philosophy Forum |
Exploding : from what I gather from the site, you believe that morality has no absolute and that morality varies from culture to culture?
Cultural morals in my opinion are not true morals, the only... |
What's Masculine and Feminine
19 Posts • 8533 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think it has a lot to do with genetics. In most mammal societies, males are genetically made bigger, tougher and more competitive (they compte for leadership and females). Females on the other hand,... |
BooksTwo Kinds of Color
4 Posts • 3041 Views Talk Talk |
I think treating your children differently, including undue concern or consideration, because one of them is of a different race isn't a great thing to do. When my foster kids come into my house,... |
Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6126 Views Philosophy Forum |
Our need of ethics is a truth. It's postulation and use varies from one culture to another, from one era to another . Incest was banned by the church in the middle ages. it is an artificial law a... |
Riddles & PuzzlesProblem, Puzzle, and Paradox: What's Missing?
2 Posts • 3799 Views Philosophy Forum |
Let's examine some problems that are neither a puzzle nor a paradox.
I suspect most, if not all, of the problems that face President Obama everyday are such problems. Such problems as Iraq, Afghani... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17160 Views Religion Forum |
" If its broken, you don't leave it for something else, you fix it."
Well then, tell me when it worked.
In fact, what do we even mean by worked. What is religion supposed to do? Relig... |
19 Posts • 10712 Views Philosophy Forum |
do you think a person can be brought up to be gay? i mean, look at some cultures. take the ancient greeks for example--they were pretty much gay as a culture, or at least bisexual. they would marry an... |
GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34158 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How about this possibility? Democracy is an ideology with a set of principles, and unless the masses are educated in the principles, they can not manifest democracy.
I say this with deep concern,... |
Gender PsychologyWhores ruling the world
0 Posts • 736 Views Psychology Forum |
Sexcess is a value in pop culture. Especially in high school culture. How did Western puritanical society go from abhorring whores to upholding them? Some factors (I've researched this for years)... |
HomosexualityHomosexuality as a comedy theme.
12 Posts • 3841 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
im sorry could you repeat what you just said in a more sensible manner?
the most i got out of your whole reply was that you believe that male homosexuality is anti social and that some how homosexual... |
HinduismSexism within Hinduism
6 Posts • 16349 Views Religion Forum |
There are many aspects of Hinduism that are detestable. A large one being the sexist gender roles and demeaning views contained towards women. For example, when a woman is menstruating, this is consid... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18644 Views Philosophy Forum |
You would be English. Because you identify with that culture more than any other |
27 Posts • 17627 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Okay fine,
My grandmother married my grandfather at the age of 12, and he was alot older than her, that would be regarded as paedophilia in Western countries, because it was accepted by her cultur... |
19 Posts • 10712 Views Philosophy Forum |
Wind, I must ask you are you confusing sensuality with gender? I feel that there are strong reasons to associate gender with cultural influences but sexuality is a different matter. That being said ca... |
9 Posts • 2644 Views Talk Talk |
I think neuterdbynature's idea of a 'human zoo' is already a reality.
Metaphorically speaking; What is society/culture (the world at large?) if not a zoo? We have the endangered animals (rare... |
Funny TidbitsWho Has The Best Pick-up Line?
86 Posts • 33997 Views Jokes & Games |
it was originally gun, its a quote of some actress years ago that has become stuck in pop culture. |